
The reasons for organizational innovation have been analyzed from both the technical and philosophical perspectives of CIMS .
Workflow based OA system could significantly improve the efficiency of the cooperative , promote the optimization of enterprise organizational structure , and improve the management level .
The organization of EPC contract management system are studied , the theory of evolution , organization building of domestic and foreign enterprise and project organization mode were expounded and made a detailed .
According to the development of the system , some important problems , such as the automatic drawing of organization chart and group chart , the realization of FTP transfer in PB and data concurrency control , are also discussed .
On the Innovation of Organizational Structure in Chinese State - owned Enterprises
The Enterprise Organize Institution Mode Select and Personal Control
In the first , setting up personnel system , 1 , adjusting corporation structure .
Formation and Installment of Enterprise Institutional Framework
Choice of Enterprise Organization System
These challenges are embodied in property theory , share system , enterprise institutional framework theory , scale-economy theory , enterprise management theory .
The institutional changes realize the corporate institutional culture by promoting the transformation of corporate organizations , and also by consuming and executing enterprise management system .
The paper introduces the forms and characteristics of chinese enterprise organization system , and compares linear function management with matrix management which are applied universally in chinese enterprises .
Chapter six focuses on enterprise reorganization , business process reengineering and enterprise culture establishment in orientation of market . Supporting systems employed for strategy selection are also described .
Furthermore , in the current quality information management system , there exist the following problems : irrelevancy to QMS , lack of information collection for QMS and great dependence on organization and operation .
The paper analyses how to optimize the organization framework and describe the key position standard in new strategy situation and promotes human resource management , increases efficiency and drives the healthy development of the county power supply enterprises .
The general contract management optimization ought to establish upon a certain level of systematic safeguard , which consists of : optimization and adjustment of enterprise organization , establishment of enterprise culture , and strengthening system construction of internal control of the enterprise .
At the same time , it studies enterprises ' organization setting , devise of standard flow template and method of orders moving , which not only provides clients with orders enquiry function with good interactive capability , but also realizes clients orders process track .
In order to rationally solve the problem of stimulation mechanism and manager choice mechanism , the installment of the framework should observe the following principles : the correspondence between residual claim and control power principle , lowering management cost principle and social interest principle .
The paper reset organization and commercial business process according to BPR .
The industrial market is different to consumer market .
The redesigning of the business organization and the channel for staff flowing ;
Establishment of Enterprise Informational Mechanism
Intensifying The Construction And The Management Of The Sales Organization In The Enterprises ; The Vegetable Marketing Organisation is established as a non-governmental body providing vegetable wholesale marketing facilities .
I have introduced the modes by which the internal auditing organ is set in mixed ownership enterprise : leading by general manager , surveillant committee or director committee and advantages and disadvantages difference modes .
Existing navigation and positioning applications are local applications for special group , such as specific application enterprise , organization and so on . The design and development of the application infrastructure and software system are based on the existing applications .
Accompanied by the ages of information and internet , e-Business integrates the all including individuals , enterprises , organizations and governments . The construction industry is a supporting industry for national economy , accommodating large employment and related with the other industries obviously .
The business bodies are evolved from administrative setups . how to build up the legal person management setup organs ;
Management Consultancy Company is a company in the business of providing service of management consultancy , targeting to enterprises and other organizations .
The rise of Asia , Latin America and eastern Europe will bring to the forefront new corporate norms , organisations and business executives .
Thirdly , it presents the thinking for enterprises to design and improve the budget management system according to the organizational structure and budget responsibilities .