
fǎng zhì
  • Imitation;copy;be modelled on;replicate
仿制 [fǎng zhì]
  • [copy;be modelled on] 模仿制作

仿制[fǎng zhì]
  1. 当干混砂浆机械在中国打开市场后,如果遇到某些企业仿制PM设备,PM有何竞争优势?

    If some companies copy PM 's mortar machines when the market for dry mortar machinery is mature , What is the competitive advantage of PM ?

  2. 青铜文物复制中常用的作伪方法基于RPT的金沙铜立人数字化修复与仿制

    How to Fake the Bronze Ware The Numeral Rehab and Copy of " Jin-Sha-Tong-Li-Ren " Bronze Ware Based on Rapid Prototyping Technology

  3. 艺术是对大自然的仿制。

    Art imitates Nature .

  4. 你能从他们那儿买到质量很好的仿制名牌手表。

    You can buy a nice knockoff watch from them .

  5. 他们应该修订法律,使拥有仿制武器成为非法行为。

    They should change the law to make it illegal to own replica weapons

  6. 士兵们还在用仿制的武器,因为还搞不到真家伙。

    Soldiers were still using dummy weapons because real guns were not yet available .

  7. 他还是一个仿制古画的内行。

    He was also an expert in the reproduction of ancient pictures .

  8. 他们寻找曾经仿制过古代器皿的陶工。

    They sought out potters who had once made copies of the ancient vessels .

  9. 江慕忠认为,这种策略不可能长久,因为《平价医疗法案》(AffordableCareAct)并不支持仿制药物。

    That strategy won 't work for much longer , says Jimenez , given that the Affordable Care Act will discourage me-too drugs .

  10. 2011年,一个居心不良的犯罪团伙利用3D打印机仿制了ATM终端机正面的塑料部分。

    In 2011 , an enterprising gang of crooks used a 3-D printer to replicate the plastic front of an ATM terminal .

  11. 为了应对仿制药品生产商的竞争,美国和欧盟的药品工业在TRIPS协议谈判中发挥了重要的作用。

    Reacting to competition from generic producers , the U.S. and E.U. pharmaceutical industries played a lead role in TRIPS Agreement negotiations .

  12. 她里面穿着这条裙子(以及仿制的那几条),外面穿巴黎世家的皮夹克或者Acne的长羊毛开衫。

    She wore the original ( and her copies ) under a Balenciaga leather jacket or long cardigan from Acne .

  13. boots等医药零售商往往从批发商或直接从仿制药生产企业手中购买仿制处方药。

    Chemists , such as boots , tend to buy their generic prescription drugs from wholesalers or directly from generics manufacturers .

  14. 在早期仿制iphone的山寨版手机之后,这已催生了合法的低成本智能手机行业,在全球销售上已超越高端市场。

    After the early iPhone knock-offs , this spawned the legitimate low-cost smartphone industry that has overtaken the high-end market by sales globally .

  15. 国内企业精于廉价生产仿制药品。在1995年加入世贸组织(WTO)后,印度不得不修改其专利政策。

    Domestic firms became masters at copying medicine and making it cheaply . After joining the World Trade Organisation ( WTO ) in 1995 , India had to change its patent policy .

  16. 自从上月末欧洲汽车商发出威胁以来,双环坚持声称小贵族和CEO没有仿制德国产车型。

    At the time of the initial legal threats late last month , Shuanghuan insisted its CEO and Noble models were not similar to the German models .

  17. FDA仿制药物办公室保证,经过充分科学的研究以及严格的注册管理过程,仿制药物是安全有效的。

    The FDA 's Office of Generic Drugs ensures that generic drugs are safe and effective through a thorough scientific and regulatory process .

  18. 除了TRIPs协议对专利仿制药品的平行进口有特殊规定外,在国际层面上基本没有调整平行进口的法律规定。

    Except there is the special regulations about parallel importation of generic drug in TRIPs Agreement , most international conventions have no related previsions about parallel importation .

  19. 采用有限傅立叶分析的方法,用N次谐波法去逼近真实凸轮,且利用这种方法,仿制某一性能良好的凸轮。

    According to the method of limited Fourier analysis , the author approaches the real cam by means of N times frequency wave method , and imitates a certain of cam in good performance with the method .

  20. 但无论是仿制药生产厂商还是FDA都不会与被仿药物有所差异的仿制药品进行上市后研究。

    But neither generic-drug manufacturers nor the FDA does post-marketing studies that might indicate patients are responding differently to a generic than to its brand-name counterpart .

  21. 然而,据rugcompany律师彼得雅各布(peterjacobs)称,仿制者通过微小的改动,希望将其产品置于法律可触及的范围之外。

    However , according to rug company attorney Peter Jacobs , copycats respond by making slight variations in hopes of placing their products outside the reach of the law .

  22. 只需花9美元就能买到一块仿制的劳力士(Rolex)手表,而36美元即能购入一款假冒的古驰(Gucci)手袋。

    An imitation Rolex can be had for $ 9 . A fake Gucci bag goes for $ 36 .

  23. 迪奥(Dior)本来可以仿制,但埃米利奥每种设计都有10个尺码和10种颜色。

    Dior could have repetitions made , but Emilio had 10 sizes and 10 colors of one design .

  24. 她在迈阿密古着店C.Madeleine's发现了一条斜线剪裁的吊带长裙后非常喜欢,于是让自己的裁缝用好几种颜色仿制了同款。

    After falling in love with a long bias-cut version she found at C. Madeleine 's , a vintage store in Miami , she had her tailor reproduce it in several other colors .

  25. ECG特征产生机理复杂而不易被仿制,安全系数高,比较适用于医疗和保险领域。

    The mechanism of ECG features is complex and not easily imitated . And it has a high safety factor , so ECG is more suitable for medical and insurance fields than other methods .

  26. 因此,在对映体选择性差异较大的外消旋仿制或OTC药物中,采用手性分析技术,开展对映体水平的生物等效性评价是必要的,也具有重要意义。

    Therefore , it is important and necessary to evaluate the bioequivalence of generic or OTC racemic drugs with discriminative enantioselectivity by enantiomeric approach using chiral analysis .

  27. Raloxifene也是雌激素仿制物。

    Raloxifene also mimics estrogen .

  28. 他们并不认同这样一个观点:即你永远不知道自己什么时候可能需要假冒伟哥(Viagra)或是仿制的劳力士(Rolex)。

    They are not convinced by the argument that you never know when you might need counterfeit Viagra or a replica Rolex .

  29. 横机CAD软件是电脑横机的核心配套软件,国产的横机CAD软件基本是仿制国外产品,缺少技术创新,严重制约了我国电脑横机产业的发展。

    Pattern preparation system is the core software of computerized flat knitting machine . The domestic software is imitation of foreign products basically . So it is lack of technical innovation , and it has seriously hampered the development of computerized flat knitting machine industry in China .

  30. 方便消费者仿制名人的着装款式就是网上零售店asos快速崛起的秘密。

    Making it easy for consumers to copy celebrity style is the secret behind the meteoric rise of Internet retailer ASOs .