
  • 网络Joseph Yam;Zi-Gang Ren
  1. 另外,香港金融管理局(HongKongMonetaryAuthority)总裁任志刚(JosephYam)昨日表示,香港可能会考虑在其2000亿美元外汇储备中,将更多资产从美元转向其它货币。

    Separately , Joseph Yam , chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority , yesterday said Hong Kong might consider diversifying more of its US $ 200bn reserves away from the US dollar .

  2. 金管局前任总裁任志刚(JosephYam)表示:我们不必动用所有的资金来帮助维持港元稳定。

    You don 't need all of the funds to help keep the Hong Kong dollar stable , said Joseph Yam , the former head of the monetary authority .

  3. 任志刚表示,没有什么制度是绝对的或神圣不可侵犯的。在亚洲金融危机期间,任志刚曾于1998年大举出击,阻击乔治索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)的投机操作,捍卫港币盯住美元的汇率制度。

    Nothing is absolute or sacrosanct , said Mr Yam , who waged war against George Soros in 1998 to protect the Hong Kong peg during the Asian financial crisis .

  4. 香港金融管理局(HKMA)相当于准央行总裁任志刚(JosephYam)表示,他认为人民币正向着可自由兑换转变,有朝一日,可能会成为一种国际储备货币。

    Joseph Yam , the head of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority , the quasi-central bank , recently said he saw the renminbi becoming freely convertible and perhaps becoming an international reserve currency one day .

  5. 今年2月份,香港金融管理局(HKMA)总裁任志刚(JosephYam)曾发出呼吁,建议创立“以上海、深圳和香港交易所上市股票托管证明书为形式的衍生工具”。

    In February , Joseph Yam , chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority , mooted the creation of " certificates of ownership of shares listed on the Shanghai , Shenzhen and Hong Kong stock exchanges . "

  6. 港府官员对任志刚为何如此公开质疑联系汇率制感到不解。

    Officials are baffled as to why Mr Yam would question the peg so publicly .

  7. 任志刚称,这将推动人民币贸易金融和银行间市场的发展。

    This would allow the development of trade finance in Renminbi and an interbank market , Mr Yam said .

  8. 任志刚认为应加强区内的货币及金融合作,以应付上述挑战。

    Mr Yam suggested that monetary and financial co-operation in the region should be strengthened to address the above challenges .

  9. 不过,明年任志刚将满60岁,港府官员通常会在这一年龄退休。

    However , he will be 60 next year , the age at which government officials in the territory usually retire .

  10. 作为一位职业公务员,任志刚于1983年参与了香港货币发行局制度的创建。

    A career civil servant , Mr Yam was involved in the establishment of the city 's currency board in the 1983 .

  11. 香港银行体系的存款受到非常好的保护,任志刚表示,银行体系很稳健。

    Deposits in the banking system of Hong Kong are very well protected , Mr Yam said . The banking system is robust .

  12. 任志刚:你金融经验丰富,英语也这么好,客户对你一定有信心!

    Joseph yam : with your substantial experience in financial markets and excellent english , your clients must have great confidence in you .

  13. 任志刚表示根据这项策略的五大元素制订的具体建议将有利于中国整体的发展。

    Mr Yam said that the specific proposals falling within the five key elements of the strategy will benefit China as a whole .

  14. 未来几年内,中国还有亚洲许多国家将推动其银行业以任志刚倡导的最基本的方式发展。

    For years to come , China and much of Asia besides will be taking the no-frills approach to banking advocated by Mr Yam .

  15. 任志刚昨日警告,全球经济仍未稳定下来。任志刚自1993年开始执掌香港金管局,将于今年10月1日退休。

    Mr Yam , who will retire on October 1 after heading the HKMA since 1993 , yesterday warned that the world economy remained unsettled .

  16. 香港金融管理局总裁任志刚说,新币防伪措施十分先进,要想仿造必须付出很大代价。

    The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority Joseph Yam said the new security features were very advanced and would be costly to fake .

  17. 任志刚于1993年成为香港金管局的首任总裁。该职位没有规定退休年龄,也没有限制任期。

    Mr Yam became the first chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority in 1993 , a post that carries no retirement age or defined tenure .

  18. 金管局代表团由总裁任志刚率领,而新加坡金融管理局代表团则由董事总经理许永源率领。

    The HKMA delegation was led by Mr Joseph yam , chief executive , while the MAS delegation was headed by Mr KOH Yong guan , managing director .

  19. 任志刚表示,他只是希望挑起争论。不过,他承认自己明白公开提出这个话题可能会引起市场作出何等程度的反应。

    Mr Yam said he was simply trying to stimulate debate , although he admitted he was aware of the possible market sensitivity of my openly raising the subject .

  20. 这个奖项亦肯定了任志刚在发展香港债务市场和金融基础设施,以及成立香港按揭证券有限公司上所作出的贡献。

    The award also noted his contribution to the development of the debt market and financial infrastructure in Hong kong , and the establishment of the Hong Kong Mortgage corporation .

  21. 任志刚亦透露在与外汇基金谘询委员会进行谘询后,已经完成外汇基金投资策略的主要检讨工作。

    Mr Yam also said that , after consultation with the Exchange Fund Advisory committee , a major review on the investment strategy of the exchange fund had earlier been completed .

  22. 具有讽刺意味的是,在任志刚呼吁与人民币建立更紧密的联系之际,由于储户担心中国经济放缓将削弱人民币,人民币存款基础已从峰值水平下滑了12%。

    Ironically , as the former HKMA head calls for greater links with the mainland currency , the renminbi deposit base has fallen 12 per cent from its peak as savers fear the slowdown in China will weaken the currency .

  23. 任志刚表示:金融体系没有也不应有自己的生命。他主张,银行的主要目的在于支持经济,而不是为银行家创造工作、为监管机构带来麻烦。

    The financial system does not and should not have a life of its own , he said , arguing that banks ' primary purpose was to support the economy , not to create jobs for bankers or headaches for regulators .

  24. 任志刚提出,该制度可能面临重新评估并逐渐被取代,一种考虑中的方案是与中国内地的人民币建立联系,这让金融界颇感意外。

    The former head of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority surprised the financial community by suggesting the peg could be reviewed and gradually replaced , consideration being given to a link to the renminbi , the currency of the Chinese mainland .