
  1. 系统介绍了中江人民渠引水隧道第2合同段二次衬砌混凝土运送方案,该方案主要利用小竖井投送混凝土解决了带有斜井的小断面隧道混凝土运送难题。

    The article presents the delivery scheme of the concrete for the secondary lining of the 2nd contract section of the water delivery tunnel of Zhongjiang People 's Irrigation Canal Project . In the scheme , a small vertical shaft is installed , through which the concrete is delivered .

  2. 人民胜利渠灌溉用水管理损失及对策研究

    Research on Water Losses Due to Management of Irrigation Water Use in Renmin-Shengli Canal and Strategies

  3. 地面水与地下水联合利用的数学模型&人民胜利渠最优运行策略的研究

    A Mathematical Model for Conjunctive Use of Surface and Groundwater-A Case Study of Optimal Operating Policies for the People 's Victory Canal in Henan

  4. 河南省人民胜利渠是新中国成立后在黄河中下游兴建的第一座大型引黄灌溉工程。

    The People 's Victory Channel of Henan province is the first big irrigation project through water diversion from the lower Yellow River constructed after the new China established .

  5. 第二部分,主要从自然条件、水利工程现状、土地资源利用现状、水资源现状以及灌区目前存在的主要问题五个方面介绍人民胜利渠灌区概况。

    In the second part , the natural conditions , current situation of irrigation works , current utilization situation of land and water resources , and the predominant problems in irrigation district of the People 's Victory Canal Irrigation District were introduced .