
rén ɡōnɡ fán zhí
  • artificial propagation
  1. 哲罗鲑(Huchotaimen)是我国重要的冷水性鱼类,其全人工繁殖和苗种驯化问题得到解决后,哲罗鲑的人工养殖得到了进一步推广,为我们带来了良好的经济效益和社会效益。

    Hucho taimen ( Pallas ) is a kind of indigenous and endangered cold-water fish in China . Since the problems of artificial propagation and larval fish domestication were solved , its artificial cultivation brings in good economic benefit .

  2. 从梭鱼人工繁殖育苗池,取得不同日龄、不同体长的梭鱼苗种。

    The fries in different length were obtained from artificial propagation .

  3. 为使天敌能大量人工繁殖,从分子生物学角度对单头桑天牛卵啮小蜂基因组DNA的提取方法及RAPD反应条件进行了探索。

    In order to propagate more Aprostocetus prolixus , we studied the method of genomic DNA extraction and optimization of RAPD ana-lytic conditions .

  4. 以所得RAPD数据分析为基础,对鳙鱼人工繁殖群体的遗传多样性进行了分析,对鳙鱼人工繁殖过程中的一些问题进行了讨论。

    Based on RAPD data analysis , the genetic similarity of cultivated population of bighead carp and some questions on cultivation are discussed .

  5. 军曹鱼全人工繁殖群体遗传特征的SSR分析非胎生红树植物繁殖体特征与分带关系

    A genetic analysis of cultured populations of cobia with microsatellite markers Relationship Between Diaspore Traits and Inter-tidal Zonation of Non-viviparous Mangrove Species

  6. 中国在20世纪70年代后期开始在渔场人工繁殖鲟鱼,据国际自然保护联盟(InternationalUnionforConservationofNature)统计,从1983至2007年间,共有900多万条鱼苗被释放到河里。

    China established programs to breed sturgeon in captivity in the late 1970s , and more than nine million juveniles were released into the river from 1983 to 2007 , according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature .

  7. 结果表明,成熟亲鱼注射DOM和LRH-A2进行催产,能够成功地进行人工繁殖。

    The results showed that mature brood fish was injected with DOM and LRH-A2 for spawning inducing , artificial reproduction can be successful .

  8. 2005年6~9月,采用扫描取样法在浙江省长兴扬子鳄自然繁育中心,对人工繁殖的成年扬子鳄(Alligatorsinensis)行为的发生频率和活动规律进行了研究,并对其行为体温调节进行了分析。

    The behavioral thermoregulation of adult Chinese Alligators ( Alligator sinensis ), in Zhejiang Changxing Natural Breeding Research Center for Chinese Alligator , was studied from June to September 2005 , recorded by instantaneous and scan sampling methods .

  9. 以25尾人工繁殖中华鲟(Acipensersinensis)和1尾捕捞于长江宜昌江段的野生中华鲟为研究材料,对其在水族馆中的驯养方法进行了研究。

    25 artificially propagated Chinese sturgeons ( Acipenser sinensis ) of and 1 wild Chinese sturgeon caught in Yichang section of Yangtze River were used to carried on a research about domesticating method in the aquarium .

  10. 1995年10月至1997年10月对野生灰胸竹鸡(Bambusicolathoracica)进行了人工繁殖的研究,结果为:产卵期4月下旬至7月下旬;

    The artificial breeding of wild Bamboo Prtridge ( Bambusicola thoracica ) was studied from October , 1995 to October , 1997 The results are as follows : laying peroid was from April to July ;

  11. 日本珍珠贝引进海南陵水热带海区养殖,人工繁殖幼贝苗1·5~2·0mm下海养殖。

    Cultivation of the Japanese pearl oysters Pinctada martensii was carried out in the tropical sea area-Lingshui , Hainan Island , using hatchery-propagated spat of 2.0 mm .

  12. 家化暗纹东方魨全人工繁殖鼠尾藻有性繁育及人工育苗技术的初步研究

    Study on reproduction biology and artificial breeding techniques of Sargassum thunbergii

  13. 北方地区斑点叉尾鱼回人工繁殖技术

    The Artificial Breeding of Cannel Catfish on the North Region

  14. 中国大鲵在华南地区最适人工繁殖时期

    Optimum season for artificial breeding of Chinese giant salamander in south China

  15. 河鳗人工繁殖的初步研究

    Studies on the aritificial inducement of reproduction in common eel

  16. 只有在控制下进行人工繁殖的鸟儿才能进行合法交易。

    And only birds bred in regulated captivity can be legally traded .

  17. 蓝孔雀人工繁殖控光实验

    Light Control Experiment for Artificial Reproduction of Blue Peacock

  18. 暗纹东方鲀生殖洄游期性腺发育特点及人工繁殖的研究

    Characteristics of sexual gonad development and artificial propagation of

  19. 河蟹育苗池塘底质管理技术的初步研讨鳡人工繁殖及苗种池塘培育技术初步研究

    Preliminary Studies on Management Technology of Bottom Quality in Breeding-ponds of Eriocheir sinensis

  20. 眼斑拟石首鱼人工繁殖与苗种生产技术的研究

    Studies on artificial propagation and seed production of red drum , Sciaenops ocellatus

  21. 黄鳝浅水无土半人工繁殖研究

    Pilot Studies on Half-manual Breeding of Ricefield Eels in Shallow Water without Soil

  22. 模仿自然繁殖条件下的黄鳝人工繁殖试验

    Artificial reproduction test of Monopterus albus under the imitation of natural breeding conditions

  23. 春石斛离体繁殖不同成苗途径的研究抚仙金线鲃人工繁殖与鱼苗培育技术

    Studies on Different Plantlet Formation Ways of in Vitro Propagation of Nobile-type Dendrobium

  24. 鳖的人工繁殖技术

    Artificial Reproduction Techniques in Soft - shelled Turtle s

  25. 石斑鱼繁殖生物学和人工繁殖技术研究现状

    Reproductive Biology of Grouper and Its Current Research Situation in Artificial Breeding Technology

  26. 野生玫瑰的人工繁殖方法中,无性繁殖以茎扦插为主。

    The main asexual propagation method is Stem Cutting .

  27. 外源促性腺激素诱导大熊猫发情及人工繁殖获得首次成功

    Successful breeding of giant panda by exogenous gonadotrophin

  28. 大竹蛏人工繁殖技术研究

    Study on the Reproduction of Solen grandis Dunker

  29. 罗氏沼虾亲虾培育技术乌鱼人工繁殖与苗种培育技术研究

    A Study on the Technology of Artificial Reproduction and Fry Rearing of Snakeheaded Fish

  30. 只有中国人成功地进行了人工繁殖和哺育大熊猫。

    Only the Chinese have successfully bred pandas and raised their babies in captivity .