
  • 网络blasphemy;profane;sacrilege
  1. 实际上,这后果太严重了,以至于人们发展处了一套暗语。它可以使人们能够继续骂脏话,而同时又可以远离手脚枷或是绞刑架,而如果公开亵渎神灵的话,就会是这样的下场。

    That was so serious , in fact , that a whole coded language was developed so that people could go on swearing and yet stay away from the stocks , or the gallows , where open blasphemy might 've put them .

  2. 如果你说一句亵渎神灵的话。

    Provided you utter a blasphemy .

  3. 圣泉俗用被认为是亵渎神灵的行为。

    To desecrate a holy spring is considered profanity .

  4. 他的言谈粗俗,简直就是亵渎神灵。

    His language was irreverent , not to say blasphemous .

  5. 嘴巴肮脏、亵渎神灵;亵渎的语言;亵渎的话语。

    Foul-mouthed and blasphemous ; blue language ; profane words .

  6. 他酒醉后总是骂骂咧咧亵渎神灵。

    He always swears and blasphemes when he 's drunk .

  7. 恶魔亵渎神灵的傲慢。

    A scoff of impious pride from fiends impure ;

  8. 针对信仰的种种邪恶&亵渎神灵与异端邪说、目无上帝与违背誓言;

    The sins against religion & sacrilege and heresy , blasphemy and perjury ;

  9. 从圣坛窃取耶稣受难像是亵渎神灵的行为。

    It is ( a ) sacrilege to steal a crucifix from an altar .

  10. 在教堂不要说亵渎神灵的话。

    Do not use blasphemous words in church .

  11. 在州里的某几个地方,提出枪支管制就相当于是亵渎神灵。

    In certain parts of the state , the mention of gun control constitutes sacrilege .

  12. 焚烧经文,亵渎神灵。

    Burnt scriptures and defaced holy relics .

  13. 对上帝来说,正在亵渎神灵的法国人比在祈祷中的英国人,是更为可爱的情景。

    A blaspheming Frenchman is a spectacle more pleasing to the Lord than a praying Englishman .

  14. 同时,他的作品被指亵渎神灵,他成了欧洲最臭名昭著的诗人。

    Meanwhile , his works were regarded as blasphemous , which made him the most notorious poet in Europe .

  15. 他建议,雇员应立刻反对任何跨越亵渎神灵界线的同事。

    He recommended that employees should give a swift thumbs-down to any colleague caught " stepping over the profanity line " .

  16. 它们违反了“你不可徒然地采用耶和华的名字”的戒律,因为这会被看作是亵渎神灵。

    They contravene the Commandment " Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain , " which was seen as blasphemy .

  17. 从进一步的询问可以确信,斯卡拉蒂得到了他妻子的赞同,可以确信斯卡拉蒂没有任何形式的亵渎神灵、犯罪的过失,还可以确信他的血统没有被摩尔人玷污。

    Further questioning determines that Scarlatti has obtained his wife 's consent , is guilty of no form of sacrilege or crime , and that his ancestry is free of Moorish taint .

  18. 在古希腊,受到误导的雅典人指控苏格拉底犯有亵渎神灵和诱使青年堕落两项罪行。那些雅典人带有不良政治动机,对苏格拉底鼓励青年质疑传统观念这一作法的后果感到害怕。

    In ancient Greece Socrates was charged with blasphemy and corruption of the youth by misguided Athenians who had questionable political motives and who feared the consequences of his encouraging young people to question traditional beliefs .

  19. 自1922年《尤利西斯》发表以来,该书就因肮脏、亵渎神灵、不可读等罪名连遭查禁。

    Since 1922 , when Ulysses was published , the book was censored to be dirty , blasphemous , and unreadable , whereas the censorship battles over the book played a significant role in establishing its status as a literary masterpiece .

  20. 1814年出生的传教士洪秀全在中国传播基督教,他相信自己是上帝的第二个儿子,而上帝让他帮助中国摆脱亵渎神灵的行为。

    A man named Hong Xiuquan , born in 1814 as missionaries were spreading Christianity in China , had visions that led him to believe that he was the second son of God , who had commanded him to ride China of sacrilegious practices .

  21. 很多人觉得那部电影亵渎了神灵。

    Many people found the film blasphemous .

  22. 他们破坏寺庙亵渎了神灵。

    They violated the temple by tearing it down .

  23. 你所说的正在亵渎我们的神灵。

    Yet everything you say spits on our sacred scripture .

  24. 根据杰弗里·休斯的著作《英国充斥粗言秽语、咒骂、亵渎”的社会历史》,他们在百年战争期间开始用“lesgoddems”形容英国人,因为他们经常亵渎神灵。

    They started referring to the English as " les goddems " during the Hundred Years War because of their frequent profanity , according to Geoffrey Hughes ' book , " A Social History of Foul8 Language , Oaths , and Profanity in English . " Hell