
  • 网络Product diversification;Product diversity
  1. 变化减少方法(VRP)是制造业处理产品多样化的一种崭新的方法,已经日益得到工业界的重视。

    Variety Reduction Program ( VRP ), a new method of handling product diversification , has attracted more and more attention in manufacturing industry .

  2. 论述了三维CAD软件系列化设计功能的重要性及其对实现产品多样化和节省加工成本的实际意义,并介绍了一种引进技术中利用成组技术进行系列化产品设计的实例。

    In this article , the author highlights the importance of the series design function of three-dimension CAD and its practical use in product diversification and cutting cost in mass processing of such products . The author also introduces a philosophy of series products design in an imported technology .

  3. 制造商们被鼓励要做到产品多样化。

    Manufacturers have been encouraged to diversify

  4. 我们正使我们的产品多样化,以满足市场的需要。

    We are diversifying our products to meet the needs of market .

  5. 基于Internet,设计出适合采煤机制造企业使用的异地选型系统,满足客户对煤机产品多样化和个性化的需求。

    Base on Internet , a choosing type system of shearer has been designed for our coal mining machinery . It can make the enterprise to meet the customer 's requirement for the diversification and individuation of the coal machinery products in the drastic market competition .

  6. 本文介绍了PU贴膜革的生产现状和发展前景,作者以国产化工材料,使PU革产品多样化、系列化,指出:PU革生产前景广阔。

    The present situation and the prospects of PU membrane transfer coating leather in China are discussed in this paper . The author developed a series of these products by using domestic chemicals and pointed out the prospects of these products will be very broad in production .

  7. 信息时代,技术总是在不断更新,DVD的未来将向产品多样化和网络化发展,届时仅用MPEG-2压缩标准无法实现大容量的数字通信,对高级的MPEG-4、MPEG-7压缩技术应用方面的开发迫在眉睫。

    In the information society , the new technique come on constantly . It will tend to be variety and network on the development of DVD in the future . So it will be not enough using MPEG-2 only in the area of Digital Correspondence .

  8. 其次,为了使东亚区域经济一体化经济效应评估结果更加贴近经济现实,本文把规模经济、垄断和产品多样化等新贸易理论引入到MCHUGE基础模型。

    Secondly , in order to make the evaluating results close to economic real life , this thesis introduces New Trade Theories like Scale Economy , Monopolization and Product Diversification and so on into stylized model ( MCHUGE ) .

  9. 一个工厂要获得进一步发展就要努力使产品多样化。

    A factory must try to diversify for further development .

  10. 基于电信技术进步与产品多样化研究

    Study of product diversification based on the technological progress of the telecommunications

  11. 我们的产品多样化等都是我们的客户。

    Our products are diverse and so are our customers .

  12. 许多汽车制造厂商都在尽快使产品多样化。

    Many car manufacturers are diversifying their products as rapidly as they can .

  13. 出口产品多样化与贸易绩效&基于引力模型的分析

    On the Exported Product Variety and the Trade Performance

  14. 现代酒店正努力使自己的产品多样化,酒店产品多元化发展趋势愈加明显,提供的产品品种也越来越丰富,产品的细分化也更加明显。

    Modern hotel product diversification development trends manifest , more and more colorful .

  15. 调整结构可以便产品多样化,或使产品集中。

    The tools of restructuring can be used to diversify or concentrate product lines .

  16. 近几年,我们在时尚珠宝领域将产品多样化。

    In recent years , we diversify our product line into fashion jewelry field .

  17. 垄断竞争和最优的产品多样化

    Monopolistic Competition and Optimum of Product Diversity

  18. 数年前我们厂就开始使产品多样化。

    Our factory diversified several years ago .

  19. 根据广泛的研究,我的主张是我们必须使产品多样化。

    Based on extensive research , I would argue that we have to diversify our products .

  20. 我们必须使产品多样化。

    We must diversify our products .

  21. 旅游产品多样化,消费个性化、服务系列化是今后旅游产业发展的趋势。

    Tourism product diversifying , consumers personality , service serializing is the trend of modern tourism development .

  22. 分析师表示,该市场需要拓宽客户基础,并使其产品多样化,以取得平衡增长。

    Analysts said the market needed to broaden its customer base and diversify its products to achieve balanced growth .

  23. 面临着激励的市场竞争,厂长决定要让他们的产品多样化;

    Facing the fierce competition on the market , the director of the factory decided to diversify their products .

  24. 通过与粮农组织畜牧环境及开发计划和德国技术合作署合作,“亚太地区肉类产品多样化和加工技术升级”项目还设立了一个综合废弃物管理机制。

    An Integrated Waste Management Scheme was also established at APDC with support from the FAO LEAD initiative and GTZ .

  25. 产品多样化的服装供应链业务因此而变得相当重要。

    Hence , focusing on the impact of product diversification on the operational structure of the Apparel Supply Chain becomes important .

  26. 在大规模定制中,个性化的客户订单所引发的多品种小批量甚至是单件生产,增加了产品多样化成本。

    The increase of Variety Cost ( VC ) resulted from individualized products is a key problem in Mass Customization ( MC ) .

  27. 为了克服在美国和欧洲的保护主义壁垒,他们把产品多样化,提高卫生管理,并购外国竞争者。

    To overcome protectionist barriers in the US and Europe , they have diversified their offerings , improved sanitary controls and acquired foreign competitors .

  28. 市场的不确定性和产品多样化使供应链上的物流管理更加困难,产生了严重的库存问题。

    Uncertainty of marketing and diversity of products have made supplying chain logistics management more and more difficult , with severe problems about inventory .

  29. 快速设计技术与方法是当前市场在对产品多样化、瞬变性等需求的形势下提出并发展起来的。

    Rapid design technology and method is suggested and developed for the diversity and transient behavior of the products based on the present market .

  30. 客户经理素质、银行组织结构和产品多样化是信息效率的主要影响因素。

    The main influencing factors of information efficiency include the client managers ' capabilities , the structure of the bank and the diversification of products .