
  • 网络industrial relation;industrial relationship
  1. 这一处理将解决产业关系领域最为伤脑筋的一些问题。

    This settlement will resolve one of the most vexatious problems in the field of industrial relations .

  2. 第五章,边疆民族地区科技与特色产业关系研究的案例分析。

    Chapter V , frontier areas of technology and national characteristics of the Industrial Relations Research case studies set .

  3. IPTV是一个产业关系复杂的业务,需要网络技术、计算机技术、图像处理技术的支持,因而体系架构必须满足多种业务、多种技术的特定需求。

    IPTV services have complex industry relationships , and need support of network , computer and image processing technologies . Therefore , IPTV service system architecture should meet the special demands of various services and technologies .

  4. 我国现阶段大众体育消费与体育产业关系的研究

    Research on the Relationship Between Mass Sports Consumption and Sports Industry

  5. 技术经济与体育产业关系探究

    The Research of the Relationship between Technology Economy and Athletics Industry

  6. 发展草产业关系西部大开发的命运

    The significance of developing grassland industry in west-area-development

  7. 关于视觉传达设计学科发展与视觉文化创意产业关系的思考

    On the Relationship between the Development of Visual Communication Design and Visual Cultural & Creative Industries

  8. 约翰·马尔科夫在他研究反主流文化群体与计算机产业关系的书《睡鼠说了什么》中这样写道。

    John Markoff wrote in his study of the counterculture 's convergence with the computer industry , What the Dormouse Said .

  9. 渣打的韩国业务面临严重的产业关系问题,但营业利润增幅仍高达30%。

    It has serious industrial relations problems at its South Korean subsidiary , but its operating profit there is still up 30 per cent .

  10. 分析了在纵向外部性的作用下,这种纵向产业关系中存在很强制动因搜索形成垂直型高科技企业集团。

    Analyze under the function of the vertical exterior reference , there is vertical high-technology enterprise by reason searching with force in the vertical transaction relationship .

  11. 开发企业与建筑企业间非正常的产业关系导致扭曲的资金链关系,这些问题进一步导致风险向银行转嫁。

    The abnormal industrial relations between the exploitive enterprise and constructive enterprise causes the twisted funds chain . These problems further cause risk and passed on toward bank .

  12. 各国家的企业通过众多的全球价值链相互连接起来,然后通过上下游产业关系将不同的全球价值链连接起来共同组成了新的全球经济体系。

    The corporations in the world are connected by different global value chains , and the different global value chains are linked by the upstream and downstream relations .

  13. 本文认为,创业企业搜索进入到垂直型纵向一体化、纵向垂直型企业集团时,表现在处于条块分割市场具有纵向链性质的纵向产业关系中。

    When the start-up enterprise searching entering the vertical integration and the vertical enterprise group , present the vertical industrial relationship have vertical chain nature in the market that is separated by rectangle .

  14. 因此,有必要研究生产性服务业与先进制造业之间的关系,以认识和利用产业关系和发展规律,推动先进制造业发展。

    Therefore , in order to understand and use the law of industrial development to promote the development of advanced manufacturing , it is necessary to study the relationship between advanced manufacturing and producer services .

  15. 这“与制度遗产(即对车间的工艺控制以及董事会中所有权与控制权的分离)、不善的管理及失调的产业关系相互作用”。

    This " interacted with institutional legacies , namely craft control on the shop floor and the separation of ownership and control in the boardroom " and " inadequate management and dysfunctional industrial relations " .

  16. 自20世纪50年代以来,经济结构中产业关系的不断调整,以及劳动力市场需求的不断变化,构成了台湾高等学校专业设置的重要背景,引发了台湾高等教育专业结构的多次调整。

    Since the 1950s , the continual readjustment of industrial relations in the economic structure , as well as the unceasing change of labor market demand , have constituted the important background of Taiwan Speciality establishment and caused adjustment of Taiwan Speciality for many times .

  17. 为此,今后经济发展应注意协调各产业关系,加速一、二产业发展,优化第三产业结构和方向,加强粮食生产投入并改善投入结构。

    So , in the future , it should be paid more attention to coordinate the industry 's relations , promote the first and second industry to develop , optimist the third industry 's structure and development direction , enhance food production input and improve its structure .

  18. FDI与广东省产业集聚关系研究

    The Research of the Relation between FDI and Industrial Agglomeration in Guangdong Province

  19. 单位GDP货运量与城市产业结构关系

    The Research of the Relationship Between the Freight Volume Per GDP and the Urban Industrial Structure

  20. 湖北省地方税收入与GDP和产业结构关系的研究

    Quantitative analysis of the Relationship between Local Tax Revenue and GDP & Industrial Structure in Hubei Province

  21. 第二部分是文献综述,回顾了对外直接投资的一般理论、关于东盟向中国直接投资的理论和关于FDI与产业结构关系的理论。

    The second part is the reviews of the literature review of foreign direct investment on the general theory , the direct investment of Asean to China on FDI and theory and the theory of industrial structure relation .

  22. 论述了工程和产业的关系及自动化系统工程的管理与质量,并从需求的角度分析DCS、PLC、FCS、IPC及系统集成等技术热点;

    Then , the relation of engineering and industry , the manage and quality of automatic system engineering are described , as well as the technical hot points of DCS , PLC , FCS , IPC and system integration for necessity are analyzed ;

  23. 地勘业与其它产业的关系;

    The relationship between the geological prospecting industry and other industries ;

  24. 外商直接投资区位选择与产业集群关系研究

    The Research on Relationship between FDI Location Choice and Industrial Cluster

  25. 浅论当代高科技与传统产业的关系

    Discussion about the Relation between Contemporary High Technology and Traditional Industries

  26. 科技人力资本与高技术产业发展关系的实证研究

    The Empirical Research About Relationships Between Human Capital and High-tech Industry Development

  27. 产业之间关系模式的不同将对企业的区位选择产生影响。

    Different relationship among industrials will influence the site choice of enterprises .

  28. 塑料工业与农业及三大支柱产业的关系

    The relations of plastics industry to agriculture and the three pillar industries

  29. 普洱茶文化与产业发展关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between the Culture and Industrial Development of Pu-Erh Tea

  30. 论述了服务贸易与房地产业的关系,及其所面临的机遇和挑战。

    The relationship between the service trade and real estate industry is discussed .