
  • 网络ac signal
  1. 基于DDS技术的交流信号发生器设计与实现

    The Design and Implement of AC Signal Generator Based on DDS Technology

  2. 本文讨论了混频二极管在直流偏置和交流信号激励时的噪声温度比,提出了以有效噪声温度比(tD)(eff)来表征二极管在交流激励下的噪声性能。

    This paper discusses the noise temperature ratio of a mixer diode operated at DC bias and AC signal .

  3. 交流信号DFT分析中的有限记录长度效应及改进方法的研究

    Research on the Effects of Finite Register Length in DFT and the Ameliorating Method

  4. MOS开关传输交流信号的误差分析

    Error analysis of MOSFET switch transmitting AC signals

  5. 根据电力监控系统的要求.提出一种基于FPGA技术的多路交流信号采集与处理系统的设计方法。

    According to the requirements of power monitoring , an implementary method of collecting and processing AC signal with FPGA is presented .

  6. 夹钳的力的灵敏度是夹持力与传感区交流信号幅度变化量之间的比值,通过实验标定得到灵敏度为3.6mN/V。

    The sensitivity of gripper is the ratio between grasping force and AC amplitude variety obtained by sensor electrode . The sensitivity was calibrated as 3.6mN/V through experiment .

  7. 采用幅值恒定的交流信号对标准模拟/混合电路进行故障仿真,从频域提取Idd的特征值建立故障字典,来训练BP神经网络进行单、多故障诊断。

    If we use constant alternating signal to simulate standard simulated / mixed circuit , fault dictionary can be built , and BP neural net can be trained to make single or multiple fault diagnosis .

  8. 在载体DCT中频域中建立近似直流信号,把灰度水印图像置乱并调制成交流信号,水印的嵌入和检测过程转化为直流和交流信号的合成和分离过程。

    Direct signal was founded in host image in DCT domain , and the modulated watermark is regarded as alternating signal , so watermark embedding and extracting are similar with direct and alternating signal synthesizing and separating .

  9. 采用双处理器并行处理结构,一个DSP负责进行各回路交流信号的采样、滤波、FFT迭代计算,另一个DSP负责实时控制、人机交互与远程通讯;

    It adopted the dual DSP parallel processing structure , one DSP is responsible for signal sample , filter and FFT iterative count . The another DSP is for the human - computer interaction , the remote telecommunication and real - time controls .

  10. 为校准电路,首先断开或使输入光敏二极管变暗,以便A1A转换非交流信号。

    To calibrate the circuit , first disconnect or obscure the input photodiode so that A1A converts no ac signal .

  11. 论述交流信号的周期、时间差及相位差的高精度测量方法,给出了信号检测电路、EPP与计数器8254的接口电路和主程序流程图。

    The paper discussed high-precision measurement detection method of period , time and phase differences of AC signal , gave the flow sheet of signal detecting circuit connection circuits for EPP and Counter 8254 and main programme .

  12. 基于压电反效应,微型陀螺在其谐振频率上被0.3V的交流信号驱动。

    Due to direct piezoelectric effect , the micro gyroscope can be driven in a resonant state with a 0.3 V AC source .

  13. 采用新型大规模单片集成电路芯片AD536A与8098单片机相结合所设计的智能化真有效值数字仪表,可实现对任意波形交流信号真有效值的直接测量。

    A new digital instrument based on microcontroller MCS-8098 and VLSI TRMS / DS converter is designed . The instrument can directly measure TRMS of any AC signal .

  14. 高频谐振逆变器将电池组的直流电压逆变为20kHz的高频交流信号,由高频变压器分配给系统的各个部分,采用零电压开关技术的高频交流脉冲密度调制变频器作为变频电源驱动电机,推动车辆行驶。

    The inverter changes battery DC voltage into AC signal with 20 kHz , which is distributed as power sources for different equipment in EV by the transformer . Using zero voltage switching the PDM converter allows low distortion synthesis of single AC for induction motor drive system .

  15. 课题在设计过程中,要求系统不仅要处理包含对实时处理要求较高的400Hz交流信号在内的的多路模拟量信号,还要求系统实现对多达200多路的数字量的管理和控制。

    During the design of the system , the system is required not only to deal with numerous analog signals which include multi-channel 400 Hz AC signals with high real-time request , but also to realize the manage and control of more than 200 channels data signals .

  16. 如果有智慧生命存在,那么距离地球仅仅40光年的LHS1140b很适合我们向其发射交流信号。LHS1140b除了位置靠近地球,它的自转也较慢,我们对其进行观察会更容易些。

    At only 40 light-years away , this exoplanet is in a good position for us to send a signal to intelligent life there , should it exist . In addition to LHS 1140b 's proximity to Earth , the exoplanet 's slower rotation speed makes LHS 1140b easier to observe .

  17. 该测量系统在迈克逊单频激光干涉仪的基础上采用自扫描光电二极管列阵(SSPDA)接收器件,将直流信号转换成交流信号、微处理机处理,具有波长自动补偿功能。

    Based on a Michelson laser interferometer , the system utilizes a self-scanning photoelectric diode array ( SSPDA ) as the receiving device which converts DC signals into AC signals . Other functions such as signal processing by means of a microprocessor and automatic wavelength compensation are available .

  18. 小电流接地选线中交流信号的采集与处理

    Collection and processing AC signals on small currents grounded fault system

  19. 基于PC/104总线的交流信号采集方法

    Sampling Method of AC Signal Based on PC / 104 Bus

  20. 交流信号参数单板机测试系统

    A Single-Boarded Microcomputer System for AC Signal parameter Measurement

  21. 单片机实现交流信号参数的测量

    Parameter measurement of alternating current signal by monolithic computer

  22. 交流信号真有效值数字测量方法

    Digital measurement for true effective value of AC signal

  23. 本文介绍了一种单相或三相周期形交流信号电参数综合测量仪。

    In this paper , an electric parameter synthesize surveying instrument is introduced .

  24. 变幅单频交流信号幅度的同步采集方法

    Synchronous Sample Method for Alternating Signal with Single Frequency

  25. 基于椭圆法的交流信号实时处理方法

    Real-time AC Data Processing Method Based on Elliptical Method

  26. AT总线智能高速同步交流信号采样板的开发

    The development of high-speed synchronized and intelligent AC-signal sampling board with at bus

  27. 一类交流信号采样方法及工程实现

    The Method and Engineering Application of Alternating Sampling

  28. 静电场模拟实验中音频交流信号源之改进

    The improvement of acoustic frequency alternate signal source in the experiment of static field simulation

  29. 各种不对称情况下两相交流信号李萨如波形的仿真分析

    Simulation analysis of Lissajous Figures of two phase AC signals under all kinds of unsymmetry conditions

  30. 在对设备进行检测过程中,常需要测量交流信号的频率及相位。

    It is often needed to measure the frequency and phase of the AC signal while testing equipment .