首页 / 词典 / good

  • inferior;second;sub-
  • short for Asia
  • 较差:他的体力不~于你。

  • 次一等:~军。~圣。

  • 原子价较低的,酸根或化合物中少含一个氢原子或氧原子的:硫酸~铁。

  • 指“亚细亚洲”(位于东半球的东北部,简称“亚洲”):东~。


(较差) inferior; second:

  • 不亚于人

    second to none; not inferior to anyone


(次一等) sub-:

  • 亚科


  • 亚目


  • 亚属


  • 亚正常温度

    subnormal temperature;

  • 亚种



(亚洲) short for Asia:

  • 东南亚

    Southeast Asia;

  • 欧亚大陆



(姓氏) a surname:

  • 亚平

    Ya Ping

  1. 各组又分为6h和24h两个亚组。

    Each group was divided into two inferior groups : 6h group and 24h group .

  2. 不锈钢挂件为日本的304板材,采用亚弧焊;

    304 steel plate made in Japan , adopting the inferior arc welding ;

  3. 这比大多数亚音速飞机的飞行高度高20,000英尺。

    This is 20,000 feet higher than most subsonic airliners .

  4. 伊斯基亚这时已经通上了大陆的水。

    Ischia was now connected to the mainland water supply .

  5. 亚力克斯忘了给电池充电。

    Alex had forgotten to charge the battery .

  6. 亚力克斯问我是否想做按摩。

    Alex asked me if I wanted a massage

  7. 红衣主教梅斯基亚无疑是个怪人。

    Cardinal Meschia was without doubt a singular character

  8. 伊斯基亚是个很受欢迎的海滨度假胜地。

    Ischia is a popular seaside holiday resort

  9. 5月份公布的一项民意调查显示,亚德利夫人与辛普森先生的支持率不相上下。

    An opinion poll published in May showed Mrs Yardley was level-pegging with Mr Simpson .

  10. 它研究了过氧化氢对亚硝酸的作用。

    It has studied the action of hydrogen peroxide on nitrous acid .

  11. 在他的幻梦中,那岛屿似乎成了可望而不可及的阿卡狄亚了。

    In his fancy the island seemed an unattainable arcadia .

  12. 使用过的其它试剂有亚钛离子、亚铁离子氧,抗坏血酸和乙四胺四乙酸混合物。

    Among other reagents used have been titanousion , a mixture of ferrous ion , oxygen , ascorbic acid , and ethylenetetraaminetetraacetic acid .

  13. 但最近,多家公司已经开始计划更实惠的"亚轨道"飞行——在广阔黑暗的太空边缘进行更简短的冒险。

    But more recently , companies have begun to plan more affordable " suborbital " flights — briefer ventures just to the edge of spacers vast darkness .

  14. 尽管这可能会提高亚轨道旅行的安全性,但它将给这个新兴产业增加巨大的成本和复杂性,而这个新兴产业迄今为止主要是亿万富翁和抱有梦想的工程师的乐园。

    While that may make suborbital travel safer , it would add significant cost and complexity to an emerging industry that has until now operated largely as the playground of billionaires and dreamy engineers .

  15. 最近,人们也开始爬上亚苏尔火山进行火山冲浪。

    Recently , people have also started climbing Yasur to surf the volcano .

  16. 火山冲浪在坦纳岛,亚苏尔山直立300米,高耸入空。

    Volcano Surfing On Tanna Island , Mount Yasur rises 300 meters into the sky .

  17. Fandom(就是fan加后缀dom,像kingdom和freedom一样)指由粉丝构成的一种亚文化现象,这些粉丝拥有共同的兴趣爱好并且彼此之间存在一种志趣相投的友情。

    Fandom ( consisting of fan plus the suffix with others who share a common interest .

  18. 热力学把宏观世界同亚微观世界联系起来

    The theory of thermodynamics links the macroscopic and submicroscopic domains .

  19. 西元44年犹太国王希律。亚基帕一世下令把他斩首。

    He was beheaded in AD 44 by order of Herod Agrippa .

  20. 亚14:6那日、必没有光.三光必退缩

    In that day there will be no light ; the luminaries will dwindle .

  21. 约翰.阿尔内.里瑟补上了这个位置,还有艾比路亚在另一边取代了芬南

    Jon Arne Riise has stepped back in there , with Arbeloa deposing Finnan on the opposite side .

  22. 在这次从英国到福克兰群岛的考察中,卡茨亚使用了一个本质上适合远洋探索的巨大滤筛,滤网的网眼十分细密,在不同的地点滤过海平面以下200米内的海水。

    On that expedition from the UK to the Falklands , Katsia used what 's essentially1 a large ocean-going sieve2 with a very fine mesh3 to drag through the top 200 metres of the sea at different locations .

  23. 四方研究所和东英吉利亚大学的微生物基因组学教授马克·帕伦建议采用一个固有的专有名词清单来重新命名,因为B.1.617.2这样的标签不好念也不好记。

    Mark Pallen , professor of microbial genomics at the Quadram Institute and University of East Anglia , suggested alternatives that use a pre-generated list of proper nouns because labels like B.1.617.2 are so tricky to pronounce and remember .

  24. 想到新年、春节的大量花销,和同事、老板间的应酬,各类部门总结,人事变动,很多人都会感到厌烦、无助、焦虑、恐慌,甚至出现肠胃不适、头疼、失眠等一系列亚健康症状。

    Thinking of the New Year 's day , Spring Festival of large spending and all kinds of colleagues , the boss of entertaining , and all types of unit summary , the personnel changes , many people feel boring , workplace helpless , agitated and so on a series of sub health symptoms .

  25. 结果孕激素受体及B亚型均为核受体。

    Results PR and PR B were nuclei receptors .

  26. 硝酸态氮及亚硝酸态氮在不同pH条件下对蔬菜生长的影响

    Effects of nitrate and nitrite on vegetable growth in different pH

  27. (块)H矩阵与亚正定矩阵

    ( Block ) H-matrices and Sub positive Definite Matrices

  28. 用扫描隧道显微镜操纵Cu亚表面自间隙原子

    The manipulation of Cu subsurface interstitial atoms with scanning tunneling microscope

  29. 目的探讨CT和核素扫描在亚急性甲状腺炎诊断中的应用价值。

    Objective To explore CT and Radionuclide scan application value in the diagnosis of subacute thyroiditis .

  30. 共析元素Fe在亚稳定β钛合金中的行为

    Effect of Fe-Eutectic Element on Property of Metastable β - Titanium Alloys