
  • 网络The Asian Banker;Asian Banker Research;The Asia Banker
  1. 亚洲银行家都对银行业内,在主要业务和营运领域内有成绩的给予认同。

    Every year , The Asian Banker recognises achievements in the key business and operational areas of the banking industry .

  2. 与该基金展开合作的一位亚洲银行家表示,对Facebook的投资使维港创建了一个品牌,这有助于吸引那些搜寻财务后台的初创公司。

    One Asia-based banker who has worked with the fund says the Facebook investment helped to create a brand for Horizons , which helped attract young companies in search of backers .

  3. 花旗集团(citigroup)亚太市场与银行业首席执行官麦睿彬(robertmorse)等资深亚洲银行家,证实了所发生的这些变化。

    Veteran Asia bankers such as Robert Morse , chief executive Asia Pacific markets and Banking for Citigroup , attest to the changes that have occurred .

  4. 即便是亚洲银行家也无法逃脱纽约和伦敦所感到的阵痛。

    Even Asian bankers won 't escape the pain being felt in New York and London .

  5. 亚洲银行家们预测,这种趋势将在未来一年持续。眼下投资者对在美国上市的中国公司兴趣冷淡,很大程度上因为投资者对其中一些公司的财务做法感到担忧。

    Bankers in Asia expect this trend to continue in the coming year amid investor apathy towards Chinese companies listed in the US , caused in large part by concerns over accounting practices at some of them .

  6. 然而,在亚洲银行家和分析师对美国采取行动以缓解全球资本市场不确定性的一个关键来源而欢呼时,也有人怀疑:向“两房”提供担保是否会促使亚洲的银行开始再次购入机构债。

    But while bankers and analysts in Asia hailed the US action for alleviating a key source of uncertainty in global capital markets , there was scepticism that the guarantees provided to Fannie and Freddie would prompt Asian banks to start repurchasing agency debt .

  7. 英国和亚洲的银行家及监管者对美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(TimGeithner)的警告作出愤怒反应。盖特纳日前称,世界其它地方必须以美国为榜样加强金融监管。

    Bankers and regulators in the UK and Asia reacted with anger to warnings from Tim Geithner , US Treasury secretary , that the rest of the world must follow the US lead on tougher financial regulation .

  8. 埃森哲(Accenture)的一项研究发现,亚洲私人银行家年收入约为60万美元,而北美地区的为110万美元、欧洲地区的是130万美元。

    A study by Accenture found that Asian private bankers generate around $ 600,000 in annual revenue compared with $ 1.1 million in North America and $ 1.3 million in Europe .

  9. 不过,尽管财富水平明显上升,但亚洲私人银行家的收入却低于全球同行。

    Yet despite the apparent jump , Asian private bankers produce fewer revenues than their global counterparts .

  10. 在2008年渐进尾声之际,亚洲私人银行家和财富经理显得落魄、有点谦卑和谨慎,尽管他们对于前景并不全是灰心丧气。

    As 2008 draws to an end , private bankers and wealth managers in Asia seem battered , a little humble and cautious , although not always disheartened at the outlook .

  11. 亚洲私人银行家也面临着成本不断上升的局面。一些投资者在金融危机中损失惨重,他们愤怒的投诉令新加坡和香港监管机构手忙脚乱,因此准备收紧有关客户关系方面的规定。

    Asian private bankers also face rising costs as regulators in Singapore and Hong Kong prepare to tighten rules on client relationships , rattled by complaints from angry investors who lost large sums of money during the financial crisis .

  12. 亚洲的银行家表示,那些希望提高在华知名度的公司会倾向于在上海上市,而那些想要表明自己在亚洲地区雄心的公司,则更有可能选择香港。

    Bankers in Asia said that companies seeking to raise their profile in China would more strongly consider a Shanghai listing , while those who wanted to make a statement about their regional aspirations were likely to opt for Hong Kong .

  13. 亚洲资深私人银行家表示,目前鲜有大量资金流入的迹象。

    Senior private bankers in Asia say there has been little sign of substantial inflows .

  14. 最近,这家瑞士金融集团几位驻亚洲的私人银行家跳槽,使其受到打击,但它已宣布,计划在未来12个月内招聘140名客户关系经理(或称私人顾问)。

    The Swiss group , which has been hit by the recent departure of several Asia-based private bankers , has unveiled plans to hire 140 client relationship managers , or personal advisers , in the next 12 months .

  15. 该行曾花费大量资金在亚洲和欧洲资深银行家中间挖角,其中许多人后来又离开了汇丰。

    The bank has spent a lot of money poaching senior bankers in Asia and Europe , many of whom have since quit the firm .

  16. 然而,尽管瑞士信贷注入了新的领导力量,但在一个顶尖人才极度紧缺的市场,其亚洲私人银行业务可能很难找到足够多的新一批亚洲银行家。

    Yet , despite the injection of new leadership , the Asian private banking operation may find it hard to hire a sufficient number of new Asian bankers in what has become an extremely tight market for top talent .

  17. 同时,瑞士信贷希望过热的亚洲职场能够冷却下来。在它看来,这种降温早就应该到来。在过热的亚洲职场,顶级银行家会毫不犹豫地跳到收入更高的公司去。

    At the same time , Credit Suisse is pinning its hopes on what it sees as a long overdue cooling of the overheated Asian job market , where top bankers have no qualms about moving to higher-paying firms .