
  • 【人名】Boran Jing
  1. 在接受腾讯娱乐采访时,井柏然说:我前进的速度已经超出了自己的想象。

    I 've stepped forward faster than I imagined ! he told Tencent Entertainment .

  2. 虽然《失孤》也遭到一些负面评价,但是井柏然似乎已经达成自己的目标。

    Although the movie experienced its share of negative criticism , it seems Jing has achieved his goal .

  3. 千寻还遇到了男孩小白,由井柏然配音,他将在旅程中帮助她。

    She also meets a boy named Haku , voiced by Jing Boran , who will help her through the journey .

  4. 井柏然并没有用泪水表达曾帅的迷失感,而是用更深刻的方式表现出了人物的敏感与脆弱。

    Instead of crying to express Zeng 's feelings of loss , Jing displayed the character 's sensitivity and fragility in a deeper way .

  5. 在最近热议的拐卖儿童题材电影《失孤》中,井柏然扮演一位寻找亲生父母的年轻人,名叫曾帅。

    In much-discussed human trafficking drama Lost and Love , Jing plays a young man , Zeng Shuai , who is searching for his biological parents .

  6. 为了更好地演绎小镇修车工曾帅,揣摩被拐卖儿童的心理感受,井柏然与一些曾被拐卖过的孩子共同生活,还观看了很多此类纪录片。

    To better fit into the shoes of small town mechanic Zeng Shuai , Jing spent time living together with abducted children and watched many documentaries to try to figure out the children 's feelings .

  7. 雷泽宽一个省一个省地搜寻,在走一段山路时,他遇到年轻的修车工曾帅(井柏然饰),曾帅帮他修好了摩托车,也让他想起自己走失的儿子。

    On a mountain leg of his province-by-province dragnet , Lei is joined by a young mechanic , Zeng ( Boran Jing ) , after repairs on his bike , which flies a flag of his missing child .

  8. 以李易峰、井柏然、陈伟霆等从选秀节目上初露头角的艺人为代表,“小鲜肉”明星几乎都是85后。没有受过专业的表演培训,他们曾在演戏还是唱歌之间摇摆不定,还有一些为了成为专业演员而不停奋斗着。

    were born after 1985 and first gained attention through talent shows . Without specialized acting training , they have wasted a few years wavering between a career in singing or acting . Many still struggle to be recognized as professional actors .

  9. 在影片中,男女主人公分别是美食专栏作家程羽蒙(倪妮饰)和头脑简单却一副热心肠的富二代王灿(井柏然饰)。

    With his company and care , she gradually finds her confidence again . In the film , the pair is young food columnist Cheng Yumeng ( Ni Ni ) and Wang Can ( Jing Boran ) , an ignorant yet loving member of the rich second generation .