
  1. 重在交流&五步曲评课模式

    Emphasis on exchange & the " five steps " evaluation model

  2. 轻松制作数字视频教学资料五步曲

    STATISTICAL DATA Five Steps to Produce A Teaching-Video

  3. 教师专业发展五步曲

    Five Components of Teachers ' Professional Development

  4. 结论通过强化教育,实施糖尿病足预防护理五步曲教育干预对改善2型糖尿病患者的足部皮肤状况,短期内可取得明显效果。

    Conclusions In the patients with DM , five steps intervention education on diabetic foot is effective in short term .

  5. 这部钢琴套曲其中包括了五首前奏曲与赋格。

    This piano melody including five preludes and fugues .

  6. 贝多芬第五钢琴奏鸣曲的慢板

    The slow movement of Beethoven 's fifth piano sonata

  7. 神秘七和弦&浅析斯克里亚宾五首钢琴前奏曲(op74)的音高组织关系

    Mystic Seventh Chords & Analysis on Pitch Organizations of Skryabin 's Five Piano Preludes

  8. 传统器乐曲改编的五首中国钢琴曲分析与研究

    The Analysis and Research of Five Pieces of Chinese Piano Music Transcribed from Traditional Music

  9. 本文选择了古典主义音乐的代表人物、音乐神童&莫扎特的五首小提琴协奏曲作为研究对象,并对其不同版本的华彩乐段进行分析。

    This paper studies five pieces of violin concertos of Mozart , a genius representative of classical music , and analyses different cadenzas of different versions .

  10. 一般情况下,仅用直梁单元数量五分之一的曲梁单元就可以达到相同的计算精度。

    Typically , it takes only one fifth as many curved beam elements to achieve the same level of calculation precision as it takes straight beam elements .

  11. 乐药疗与五音配五行五脏五音乐曲对精神分裂症脑电活动率的影响

    Influence of Traditional Chinese Five Notes Music on Brain Electrical Activity Mapping of Schizophrenics

  12. 五首改编曲的音乐分析:对五首改编曲在曲式结构、调式调性、和声、旋律、织体等方面进行分析。

    Analysis of the five pieces of transcribed piano music : To analyze these five pious of transcribed piano music on structure , harmony , rhythm and texture etc.

  13. 其中小提琴协奏曲以前五首最为著名,被称为五首萨尔茨堡协奏曲。

    Violin Concerto in the previous five most famous , known as the " five Salzburg Concerto " .