
  • 网络genting group
  1. 这个网站是假冒马来西亚云顶集团的“云鼎国际”,服务器都放在境外。

    This site is a fake Malaysian Genting Group 's " Cloud Ding international ", the server are placed outside .

  2. 如果与何鸿燊的投资泡汤,要想进入澳门,云顶集团将被迫寻找另一个赌场经营伙伴。

    If the investment with Mr Ho collapses , Genting will have to find another franchise partner to enter Macao .

  3. 去年12月份,新加坡政府批准云顶集团在该国圣淘沙观光岛经营一家赌场。

    Genting was given permission by Singapore in December to operate a casino on the city-state 's resort island of Sentosa .

  4. 云顶集团与何鸿燊结盟,令新加坡产生担忧。何鸿燊在澳门长期占据赌博业的主导地位。澳门原先是葡萄牙的殖民地。

    Singapore has raised concerns about Genting 's association with Mr Ho , who has long dominated the gaming industry in the former Portuguese territory .

  5. 此笔投资包括,云顶集团向何鸿燊出售丽星邮轮部分股份,并支付3亿美元土地费用,以取得由何鸿燊经营的一个拟议中的赌场项目。

    The investment consists of the stake sale to Mr Ho and a $ 300m outlay for land for a proposed casino project to be run by him .