
  • 网络Clouds
  1. 以后我们这活着还存留的人,必和他们一同被提到云里,在空中与主相遇。这样,我们就要和主永远同在。

    Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds , to meet the Lord in the air : and so shall we ever be with the Lord .

  2. 就像草儿包在自己绿色的云里。

    As the grass is wrapped in its clouds of green .

  3. 这允许使用CloudFoundry的开发者直接在STS里将它们的应用部署到云里。

    This allows developers who are using Cloud Foundry as their cloud of choice to deploy their apps directly from within STS into a cloud environment .

  4. 我们不会把自己的传家宝放进云里,我们只放邮件和日历功能,捷豹路虎(Jaguar-LandRover)首席信息官杰里米文森特(JeremyVincent)表示,这家汽车公司最近成为了谷歌的客户。

    We are not putting our family jewels in the cloud , just mail and calendar functions , says Jeremy Vincent , chief information officer of Jaguar-Land Rover , the car company , which recently became a Google customer .

  5. 根,紧握在地下,叶,相触在云里。

    our roots melt underneath , our leaves merge in clouds ,

  6. 云里大桥连续梁转体施工技术

    Construction Technology for Rotary the Continuous Concrete Beam of Yunli Bridge

  7. 月亮老是从云里钻进钻出。

    The moon 's been going in and out of the clouds .

  8. 那些在云里的城堡也许并不是我们的栖息之地。

    Those castles in clouds may not be our home .

  9. 都在云里海里受洗归了摩西。

    And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea ;

  10. 悠悠的云里有淡淡的诗,淡淡的诗里有我绵绵的思念。

    Light poems are in leisurely clouds and continuous missing is in light poems .

  11. 云里刮起一阵冷风,凉着了我那美丽的安娜贝尔?李;

    A wind blew out of a cloud , chilling My beautiful Annabel Lee ;

  12. 像撒旦躲藏在云里。

    Like a fiend hid in a cloud .

  13. 叶,相触在云里

    Our leaves , touching in the clouds

  14. 在这个炽热恒星周围的尘埃云里,不久之前刚侦测到分子氢。

    Molecular hydrogen has recently been detected in this hot star 's dusty cosmic shroud .

  15. 当平台功能移到云里时,这些功能有时会明显地变化。

    When platform functions move into the cloud , they sometimes change in significant ways .

  16. 神就在这云里来临。

    GOD cometh in that cloud .

  17. 叶,相触在云里。

    Our leaves merge in clouds .

  18. 在云里有许多飞鸟,如同在人生祸患的上面有许多天使。

    There are birds in the clouds , just as there are angels above human distresses ;

  19. 云里的彩虹也许是伟大的,但丛莽中的小蝴蝶更伟大。

    The rainbow among the clouds may be great but the little butterfly among the bushes is greater .

  20. 住在这个住宅里就好比住在一堆云里,没有一处明显的界限,除了空间的巧妙变化。

    A distinct boundary is nowhere to be found , except for a gradual change in the domain .

  21. 几天前,我舒舒服服地漂浮在江西上空的一片云里,欣赏着风景。

    A few days ago , 1 was floating comfortably in a cloud in Jiangxi , enjoying the view .

  22. 夜是深黑的,星星消失在云里,风在叶丛中叹息。

    The night is dark . The stars are lost in clouds . The wind is sighing through the leaves .

  23. 水蒸气在云里凝结,当它够大时,我们称之为一滴,确实是的。

    Water vapor gets together in a cloud . When it is big enough to be called a drop , it does .

  24. 他走出去,看到自己的母亲,在树上,在云里,在鸟儿的歌声中。

    He went out and saw his mum in the trees , in the clouds , or when the birds were singing .

  25. 二氧化硫升入云里,然后变成雨滴落入地面,侵蚀土壤。

    And the sulfur dioxide settled in the clouds fell to the land in droplets of rain and sank into the soil .

  26. 正如特尔福特所言,“你不可能只是盗用信用卡刷一下,就能进入我们的云里。”

    As Telford puts it ," You can 't just take a credit card and swipe it and be on our cloud . "

  27. 一天午后,当我刚在海边安顿下来,太阳就躲进云里去了,再也没有出来。

    The sun went in just as I 'd settled down for an afternoon on the beach and it never came out again .

  28. 如果你的头伸进了云里,你就不能看清楚你在哪儿,也不知道你要去哪儿。

    If your head is in a cloud , you cannot see clearly where you are , and have no idea where you are going .

  29. 微软想给C++开发者提供工具,帮助他们写出能在数量巨大的本地GPU/核心上或者在云里运行的并行应用程序。

    Microsoft wants to give C + + developers tools for writing parallel applications running on zillions of GPUs / cores locally or in the cloud .

  30. 存储在云里的数据,物理上位于其他人的设备上,也因此通过服务器和客户端之间的网络设备流通。

    Data stored in the cloud is physically located on someone else 's equipment , and therefore travels through that equipment on the network between the server and its clients .