
  • 网络dual attestation
  1. 因此,有必要从历史认识论的角度对二重证据法在古史研究中的应用问题进行讨论,以期探索二重证据法本身所包含的历史认识论的合理内核及其局限性。

    On this basis the writer of the paper intends to discuss the application of dual attestation in historical researches from the epistemological perspective , the purpose of which is to explore into its rationalities as well as limitations .

  2. 王国维的二重证据法和古史新证模式被李先生奉为释古的典范。

    Wang 's mode of " twice evidences " and " new testimony of the ancient history " is looked upon as the paradigm of " interpreting the ancient history " by Lee .

  3. 文章主要探用二重证据法,佳量将出土文献与傅世文献相结合,努力还原当时语言的真实面貌,突出其鲜明的时代特色。

    Great efforts are made to restore the authentic face of language in Song Dynasty and project the distinct era feature by employing the method of dual evidence and combining the unearthed documents with hand-down-literature .

  4. 同时,采用二重证据法,尽量将出土文献与传世文献相结合,努力勾勒出词语的真实面貌,还其鲜明的时代特色。

    At the same time , using the way of double proof , we will do our best to combine the unearthed literature with literature handed down from ancient tunes , and try hard to outline the true visage of the words .

  5. 本文充分利用甲骨材料,运用二重证据法、词位研究法等科学的研究方法,充分搜集整理殷墟甲骨文反义词语料,力图比较全面地反映殷墟甲骨文反义词的面貌。

    This thesis takes full advantage of the bones and shells inscriptions , exerts the means of the two-proof method and the lexeme research method , sufficiently collects antonym material and tries to reflect the condition of the antonyms in the bones and shells inscriptions .

  6. 本书在前人研究工作的基础上,广泛结合传世资料和出土资料(二重证据法),全面梳理阴阳和五行的历史发展进程,并综合考察了先秦诸子与阴阳五行的关系;

    Based on the research findings and the historical and unearthed materials on the subject , this book gives an overall historical review of the development of Yin Yang and Wuxing and a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between them and those famous scholars of thoughts in the pre-Qin times .