
  • 网络Secondary enterprise;subordinate enterprise
  1. 文章论证了地勘二级企业所处的地位、作用,指出了地勘二级企业存在的问题。

    The paper demonstrates the position , role and problem of geological prospecting subordinate enterprise .

  2. 本溪市的B泵业公司,始建于一九五九年,是国家经贸委所属机械行业往复泵专业生产厂,是全国水泵行业重点骨干厂家之一,国家二级企业、中型国有企业。

    It is a medium-sized , state-owned , National Secondary Enterprise under the State Economic and Trade Commission . The company is one of the national key manufacturers and it specializes in producing all kinds of industrial reciprocating pump products .

  3. 我厂被云南省政府命名为省级先进企业,并跨入国家二级企业行列。

    Our works has been named the provincial advanced enterprise by Yunnan provincial government and has become a state grade-2 enterprise .

  4. 江西省交通设计院是江西省交通运输厅直属管理的一家二级企业,主要从事公路勘察设计活动。

    Jiangxi communications design institute is directly under the management of Jiangxi transportation hall , mainly engaged in highway survey and design activities .

  5. 本公司是原机械工业部专业生产小型单缸柴油机的重点企业,国家二级企业。

    Danyang Diesel Engine Corporation is one of state-designated second grade enterprises of China which specializes in designing , developing and manufacturing Diesel Engines .

  6. 公司获得了国家危险化学品从业单位安全标准化二级企业证书;同时正在办理产品安全生产许可证;

    The company has gained the security certificate of national dangerous chemicals business unit standardization for the secondary unit , and also safety production license ;

  7. 最后以中石油乌鲁木齐石化分公司下属二级企业为典型案例,结合定性与定量分析,对经营者提出绩效管理计划与报酬体系设计的建议方案。

    Based on the principle of combining qualitative and quantitative analysis , presents a set of method about performance management and reward system on executive of the enterprise .

  8. 同时,S公司是一个由多个二级企业组成的集团公司,其经营活动具有复杂性、多样性和可选择性的特征,这就为有效的开展税收筹划提供了一定的空间。

    At the same time , the S company was a group company for being constituted by many second class business enterprise , its operating activity was complexity , variety , and could be selected , which provided certain of space to tax arrangement .

  9. 作为三峡总公司直属二级企业,面对着长江三峡工程开发总公司流域性滚动开发的新形势,其发展战略和资产重组问题已经成为企业进一步发展必须解决的一个紧迫课题。

    As a second grade enterprise directly under China Yangtze Three Gorges Project development corporation , facing new trend of drainage-basin rolling exploitation of Yangtze , the problem of developing stratagem and capital recombination has become a pressing one for further development of enterprise .

  10. 开发企业要求:二级以上开发企业,有足够的资金实力。

    Requirements on corporation to open up : The corporation must be second level or higher , and it must have enough capital .

  11. 不过,从保诚(prudential)和淡水河谷(vale)的交易数据来看,投资者对在香港二级上市的外国企业往往兴趣不大。

    However , trading data from Prudential and vale have shown that secondary listings by foreign companies in Hong Kong tend to generate little interest .

  12. 汽缸珩磨机是二级以上汽车维修企业必备的设备。

    Honing machine is necessary to the automobile service enterprise of the two levels or above .

  13. 建立了以外部和内部创新动力为二级分指标的企业技术创新动力评价指标体系;

    The paper builds up evaluation index system which is based on enterprise 's techno-innovation dynamics , which concerns its external and internal aspects as its second index .