
èr děnɡ jiǎnɡ
  • second prize
  1. 后来,她在全国绘画艺术比赛中获得二等奖。

    Later , she won the second prize in a national painting and art competition .

  2. 在2003年中国机器人大赛RoboCup仿真组比赛中云麓队获得了二等奖。

    These strategies have been applied to CSU_Yunlu soccer simulation team , which participated in the Chinese Robot Competition ' 2003 and was awarded second prize .

  3. 2000年-2001年承担农业部“AA肉鸡高产稳产配套技术推广”项目获农业部科技推广二等奖。公司年出栏肉鸡800万只。

    The project of AA meat chicken high the stable production technology extension in2000 and2001 won the second level award of technological extension by the Ministry of Agriculture .

  4. 2009年,工作室作品“长兴传媒中心”荣获中国首届BIM建筑设计最佳建筑设计二等奖。

    In2009 , the work " Changxing radio and TV station " win the second prize of Chinese first BIM architecture design competition .

  5. 该系统已成功应用于两台200MW汽轮发电机,并获得2002年度广东省科学技术二等奖。

    By the way , a second-class reward of science and technology has been granted to this system in2002 by Guangdong Science and Technology Department .

  6. 我获得过奥林匹克教学竞赛二等奖。

    I received the second-class reward in Olympic Mathematics Competition .

  7. 他因为他的发明获得二等奖。

    He won the second prize for his invention .

  8. 社会工作优秀二等奖,奖金为500元。

    Level-2 Scholarship on Social Works ( amount of prize : RMB500 ) .

  9. 他获得二等奖,奖金二千元。

    He won the second award of $ 2,000 .

  10. 2000年度国家自然科学奖二等奖获奖项目介绍

    Introduction to the Second Class Prize of National Natural Science Award in 2000

  11. 2006年5月,因其在英语才艺表演活动中表现突出,获得二等奖。

    In May2006 , he won the2nd prize in English acqierement perform match .

  12. 给我弟弟的二等奖奖品是一个足球。

    The second prize that was given to my brother is a football .

  13. 16岁时,这个年轻的男中音便获得了全德青年歌唱比赛二等奖。

    When he was16 , he received second prize of a national singing competition .

  14. 若干低维材料的拉曼光谱学研究&2004年度国家自然科学二等奖获奖项目介绍

    Introduction of Raman studies on several low-dimensional materials

  15. 如果我按照自己的计算结果买,我已经赢了二等奖了。

    I would have gotten second place if I had taken my own advice .

  16. 曾于1994年荣获杭州市科技进步二等奖。

    Fanshi won the second prize of Progress in Scientific Technology of Hangzhou in1994 .

  17. 本书获河南省优秀图书二等奖,河南省“五个一”工程奖。

    This series of books won the Henan " Five Ones " Project Awards .

  18. 该成果荣获了军队2000年科技进步二等奖。

    This achievement gains the second medal in army science-technology advance reward in 2000 .

  19. 该项成果获黑龙江省优秀教学成果二等奖。

    This paper has taken the second prize of excellent teaching production in Heilongjiang province .

  20. 获奖项目:省社科优秀成果二等奖1项。

    Award for Academic Achievements : One Second Prize , Fujian Social Sciences Publication Awards .

  21. 我于1993年获得全省奥林匹克竞赛二等奖。

    I received the second-class reward in the Olympic mathematics competition of our province in1993 .

  22. 在河南最美建筑比赛中,这座图书馆赢得了二等奖。

    The library won second prize in a contest for Henan province 's most beautiful architecture .

  23. 今年她的愤怒萌照终于捧回了二等奖。

    This year however , she refined her evil glaring to take home the second prize .

  24. 于川老师获第四届教育科研评选二等奖。

    Yu Chuan won the second prize in the fourth Muncipal education scientific research achievement appraisal .

  25. 二等奖是什么?

    And what is second prize ?

  26. 我从报纸上得知,你获得了全国摄影二等奖。

    I read in the newspaper that you won the2nd prize in the National Photo Contest .

  27. 尽管他参加竞赛只是为了好玩,却得了个二等奖。

    Although he had only entered the competition for fun , he won the second prize .

  28. 她得了一个二等奖。

    She gets an accessit .

  29. 艺术作品类荣获全国一等奖一项,二等奖一项;

    We are awarded a national first prize and a second prize in works of art category ;

  30. 此成果获国家科技进步二等奖。

    This achievement has won the Second Award of the Scientific and Technological Progress of the State .