
  1. 图二、湾木贼茎腐病之病徵。左:健株,右:病株。

    Fig.2 . Symptom of stem blight of horse-tail . Left : healthy plants , right : diseased plants .

  2. 厦门健康住宅:未来海岸二期浪琴湾

    Healthy Houses in Xiamen : Langqin Bay Phase 2 on Future Coast

  3. 二是剪子湾是一个移民村,生存的技能一代代的延续了下去。

    Second , Scissors Bay is an immigrant village to survive a continuation of the skills down from generation to generation .

  4. 第二,整理土山湾印书馆引进的印刷技术,并对部分土山湾印刷技术进行原理分析。

    Secondly , Give the introduction of Tou-Se-We finishing printing technology , and part of the Tou-Se-We principle in printing technology .