
  • 网络binary classification;Binary classifier
  1. 复述候选的确认使用基于二元分类的方法,其重点是分类特征的设计。

    Paraphrase identification method is based on binary classification , which focuses on the design of classification features .

  2. 对于前者,我们提出了一种获取上下文相关词汇复述的新方法,它包括两部分:基于网络挖掘的候选复述词获取以及基于二元分类的复述词确认。

    With regard to the former , we investigates a novel framework for acquiring context-dependent lexical paraphrases , in which a web mining method is employed for extracting candidate paraphrases and a binary classification method is used in paraphrase validation .

  3. 如何将解决二元分类的SVM用于说话人识别这一多元分类问题中,是本课题的关键。

    SVM can only classify two classes , how to solve speaker recognition , a problem of classifying multi-class , is the key of our task .

  4. 本文讨论了三种二元分类合并算法:基于词汇信息的方法;基于分类置信度的方法;基于Ranking的方法。

    This article discusses the three kinds of generation algorithms : the method based on lexical information ; the method based on classification confidence level ; Ranking based approach .

  5. 本文将观点的自动检测看作一个分类问题,通过提取观点指示动词、命名实体等特征,利用SVM对语句进行观点与事实的二元分类。

    This paper deems the automatic detection of opinion as a kind of classification problem . It utilizes SVM classify the sentence in the opinion and fact aspect by extracting opinion operator and named entity and other features .

  6. 二元分类法在荷花品种分类中的应用

    Classification of Lotus Cultivars According to the Dual Classification System for Ornamental Plants

  7. 本文提出了一种基于二元分类的低质量回帖检测方法。

    In this thesis , we propose a bi-classification based approach to detect low-quality posts .

  8. 二元分类法在皱皮木瓜品种分类中的应用鲜木瓜的贮藏试验

    Dual Classification of Flowering Quince Resource THE EXPERIMENTS ON THE STORING OF THE FRESH CHINESE QUINCE

  9. 按目标的软硬程度和结构两个标准对硬目标进行二元分类。

    The hard targets were dually partitioned according to the flexible or hardness grade and configuration of target .

  10. 与结构化的搜索方法相比,通过一系列的二元分类决策来完成词对齐任务提高了搜索的效率,使得大规模数据上的半监督学习变得可能。

    Binary classifications are much faster than structural search of word alignment , which makes it possible to perform semi-supervised learning efficiently .

  11. 无论作为原生性的表述范式,还是作为书写的二元分类,口述传统都是人类至为重要的非物质文化遗产的一种样态。

    Either as an original pattern of expression or as a dual classification of writing , oral tradition is an important form of intangible cultural heritages .

  12. 文章指出,公、私法人二元分类法,难以适用于证券交易所这一特殊的市场组织。

    The dissertation points out that the dual classification of public and private legal persons are no longer applicable to such a special market organization as stock exchanges .

  13. 后者是在我们在分析前一部分方法问题的基础上提出的,它主要包括:基于句法的候选复述词的获取及其二元分类的复述词确认。

    After analyzing the problems of the former , we produce the later issue , which includes syntax-based candidate paraphrases extracting and a classification method used in paraphrase validation .

  14. 因大陆法系国家遵循的是公法和私法分立的二元分类方法,所以我国引入惩罚性赔偿制度一直饱受争议。

    For civil law countries followed the two element classification method of division of public law and private law , so our country to introduce the punitive damages system has been a controversial issue .

  15. 文中通过定义一个四元组来表示用户的需求信息,然后将原问题看作是一个二元分类问题,即能识别出或不能识别出四元组。

    The demand information is defined by four tuple in this thesis . Then , the original problem can be regarded as a classify task , whether the demand information could be recognized or not .

  16. 在多年调查研究基础上,采用二元分类法对山东主产区皱皮木瓜资源进行系统分类,形成了2类6群15型(含23个品种)的2元3级分类系统。

    Based on years investigation and research , the author tried to systematically classify the resources of Chaenomeles sp. grown in the main producing area of Shandong Province by using the two-dimensional plus three-grade classification system .

  17. 雷达的目标航迹关联是一个多元分类问题,且难于事先获取先验知识和样本数据,从观测时序的角度,将该问题分解成若干二元分类问题。

    The target track correlation of radar is a multi-classification problem , and it is difficult to obtain prior knowledge and sample data in advance . In term of observing time sequence , this problem can be divided into several dyadic problems .

  18. 本文采用基于二元分类的方法进行问题句的自动识别,并将问题的自动识别技术第一次应用于中文。(2)论坛中答案的自动挖掘。

    In this thesis , we introduce the binary classification based method to detect question sentences . This is the first time that the technology of question detection is applied to Chinese . ( 2 ) Automatic extracting answers from online forums .

  19. 通过对15个品种的茎段诱导培养,发现茎段诱导培养的难易同品种的种质组成及其演化规律有一定的相关性,与花卉品种二元分类法的结果有相近趋势。

    The results of 15 cultivars in vitro showed that the trait of cultivars in vitro had the common ground with the germplasm and evolvement rule of cultivars in some degrees , which had the same trend with " Dual Classification System " for ornamental cultivars .

  20. 针对行为识别问题,提出了将汉字分类的二元语法分类模型,应用于运动行为识别的新思路,可以更好的实现对视频序列高层语义的理解。

    The Bi-gram method is put forward for action recognition , which is primarily used in Chinese characters classification , and it can better understand the high-level semantic meaning .

  21. 铂族金属二元系相图的分类和特点

    The classification and characteristic of platinum metals binary system phase diagrams