
  1. 中国社会长期推行的是精英教育,实行的是书语取仕,一张试卷判定学习者的学习成效乃至终身命运。

    The elite education has long been overwhelming in Chinese society . A test paper can determine not only the learners ' effectiveness in learning but also their lifelong fates .

  2. 自从1976年韩礼德夫妇(Halliday&Hasan)发表了《英语的衔接》(CohesioninEnglish)一书,语篇衔接和连贯已经成为语篇分析的重要概念。

    Since the publication of Cohesion in English in 1976 by Halliday and Hasan , textual cohesion and coherence has become an important notion in text analysis .

  3. 他大声地喊着:“抓贼!”并追赶着奥利弗,手里仍然拿着那本书。语段精讲

    With loud cries of " Stop thief ! , " he ran after Oliver with the book still in his hand .

  4. 论文由七个部分组成:绪论:阐述古汉语反义词语研究的现状及意义,讨论古汉语专书反义词语的判定标准问题。

    The paper consists of seven sections : Introduction : expatiating the status in quo and significance of ancient Chinese antonyms research , discuss the problem of determinant standards of ancient Chinese monograph antonyms .

  5. 这篇论文旨在探究中美银行董事长报告书在语步结构和态度词汇使用方面所存在的相同点和差异,并从跨文化因素方面寻求造成这种异同的原因。

    This thesis aims to find out similarities and differences between Chinese and American bankers ' statements from the perspectives of move structure and attitude lexis and to explore the underlying causes in terms of various cross-cultural factors .

  6. 第二章在这部分,文章首先(作者)在检讨了部分语法书中对半语称给出的定义基础上,从新对半语称的定义进行了整理。

    Chapter two : In this part , on the basis of examining the definitions of " crude language " from some grammar books , it readjustments this definition .

  7. 该书将包含维基德语版中的一些最受欢迎的文章。

    The book will feature some of the year 's most popular articles .

  8. 例如,新约中有些书的,希腊语就非常糟。

    For example , there 's some books in the New Testament that are really lousy Greek .

  9. 该馆藏有1092年《阿尔汉格尔斯克福音书》的斯拉夫语手抄本。

    Its possessions include the Archangel Gospel , a codex in the Slavonic language dating from 1092 .

  10. 自从我得到你的书《英语惯用语选萃》以来,该书一直对我大有裨益。

    Since I got your book " Essential Idioms in English ", it has been great of service to me .

  11. 再运用将静态描写与历时比较相结合的方法,对书中的反义词语进行深入的分析研究,试图从中总结出代表其所处时代的词汇及词汇系统的特点。

    Further more using the method of combining static description and diachronic comparison , the antonyms in the book are deeply researched , try to find out the characteristics terminology and terminological system , which can represent the epoch .

  12. 从一本专书的职官称谓语入手,探究职官称谓与文化的关系,本论文是第一例,为汉语与文化的研究提供了一个全新的视角,丰富了文化研究的手段。

    This thesis was the first one to probe into the relation between appellations and culture beginning with certain book 's PB appellations . It provided a newly view angle for study on Chinese and culture , and enriched the ways of cultural study .