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  1. 宾兴礼的最早源头是周代乡饮酒礼。

    The earliest source of Binxing ceremony is the xiangyinjiu ceremony in Zhou dynasty .

  2. 在教化民俗的乡饮酒礼中酒扮演重要的礼仪角色,成为社会生活的一个组成部分。

    Wine also played an important role in township drinking ritual for enlightenment , became an integral part of the social life .

  3. 乡饮酒礼、乡射礼是周代乡党间经常性的礼乐活动,具有丰富的艺术蕴含,其仪式具有早期戏剧的特征,诗乐在乡党礼典中处于核心地位。

    The ceremonies of drinking and archery were regular local activities rich in artistic content , with rituals which show the characteristics of early drama .

  4. 明代初年乡饮酒礼被割断了与科举制的关联,导致在清代宾兴礼演化成一种成熟的地方性科举典礼。

    The connection between those two ceremonies were cut off in the early Ming dynasty , which makes the Binxing ceremony developed into a ripe local Keju ceremony in Qing dynasty .

  5. 结合《小雅·宾之初筵》和《大雅·行苇》比较完整地再现了当时饮酒的全过程,并深入分析了《诗经》中所体现的乡饮酒礼和燕礼。

    With " Bin the beginning of the feast ," and the " reed " was more complete representation of the whole process of drinking and blessing , and in-depth analysis of the " Book of Songs " as reflected in this ritual , and Yan Li .

  6. 乡饮酒礼更多的是被用作赞美宾客,表达礼贤下士的思想,最主要的是在整个仪式中,充分发挥了礼的规范作用,有效地约束了众宾客在饮酒过程的言行举止。

    This ritual is to be used more praise guests , courteous expression can be used for solid state such as Pong , but most notably in the ceremony , give full play to the role of ritual norms , effective restriction on the guests in the demeanor during drinking .