
xiānɡ qínɡ
  • Nostalgia;provincialism;affection for one's native place, nostalgia
乡情 [xiāng qíng]
  • [provincialism] 对故乡家乡的思念感情

  1. 古朴清雅赋蓝白巧染棉布寄乡情&南通蓝印花布的历史与特色

    On the History and Characteristics of the Blue-Printing Cloth in Nantong

  2. 乡情&城市、建筑与人(下)

    Affection for Homeland & City , Architecture and Human (ⅱ)

  3. 乡情寻脉台岛诗潮&台湾当代乡情诗走向

    Trend of the Contemporary Nostalgic Poetry in Taiwan

  4. 乡情&城市、建筑与人(上)城市设计与人居环境

    Urban design and human settlement environment

  5. 寻觅与发现&《亲情友情乡情》序

    Search and Discover - Preface of " Feelings of Kinsfolk , Friendship and the Native Place "

  6. 这些会馆建筑为陕西移民和商人提供了款叙乡情、祭祀神灵,处理行业纠纷的场所。

    The Shaanxi immigrants and businessmen paragraph classification hometown , worship the gods to deal with trading disputes place .

  7. 我真的很喜欢这种充满浓郁乡情的集市,这里有最质朴、最鲜活的生活。

    I like the rural fair very much for I can have a life of simplicity and vigor here .

  8. 农村孩子的生活背景是广袤的土地,是优美的自然,是淳朴的乡情,是古朴的风俗。

    For rural children , their life background is vast land , beautiful nature , simple people and classic culture .

  9. 想家时人拥一种太多太浓的乡情乡愁浸透-一种甜蜜的伤感亦或伤感的甜蜜。

    Much contemporaries being homesick throngs one kind of thick countryside affection homesickness saturates-one kind happy too sentimental either sentimental happy .

  10. 她的乡恋表现在两个方面:难弃难舍的乡情与梦萦魂牵的乡愁。

    Her deep feelings of homesickness is embodied in two aspects : difficult to abandon homesickness and never get tired of nostalgia .

  11. 她的作品书写了母爱、乡恋、童心,歌颂了亲情、乡情、师情、友情。

    Her writing contains motherly love , township love , childlike innocence , expressing the affection , nostalgia , teacher sentiment , friendship .

  12. 现代中国民族歌曲中五种主要情感的审美功能包括对社会和对个体的审美功能两个方面。其对社会的审美功能主要体现为:(1)激发爱国之情和乡情;

    The aesthetical functions of the five main sentiments in contemporary Chinese ethnic songs can be classified into those for communities and for individuals .

  13. 主要作品有散文集《永远的乡情》,诗集《轻唱若泉》,长篇小说《裸舞》等。

    His main works are prose anthology " Forever Homesick ", poetry anthology " Singing Sounded Like Spring ", novel " Naked Dance ", etc.

  14. 现代中国民族歌曲表现了我国各族人民丰富多彩的情感,特别是爱国之情、乡情、亲情、友情和爱情。这五种主要情感在现代中国民族歌曲中各有其艺术特征。

    Contemporary Chinese ethnic songs have expressed diverse and colorful sentiments of all Chinese peoples , especially patriotism , nostalgia , kinship , friendship , and sexual love .

  15. 观赏存世的23幅“状元府”春联,既可领略名联佳对的妙趣,又可管窥张謇的思想追求、政治态度以及寄寓联中的亲情、乡情。

    The23 existing couplets belonging to the mansion house best manifest Zhang 's wit and humor , his political ambition , attitude and his attachment to hometown and relatives .

  16. 本土作家在文学创作中,一方面在浓浓的乡情的推动下,坚持对本土文化的理解与阐释。

    Local writers in literary creation , on the one hand , driven by a deep sense of nostalgia , adhere to the understanding and interpretation of local culture .

  17. 他们高兴的不仅是姑姑们来本身,也是姑姑们此行带给他们记忆和情份儿,还有延绵不绝的乡情乡事。

    Their happiness was not only because of the aunts'visit , but also of the memory and passion brought by them , and the long lasting home love and story .

  18. 所以我不得不别离故乡的雨,不得不在异乡他地独自承受那份浓浓的乡情、雨情。

    So I had to parting hometown of rain , had to bear alone in a foreign land , he places a heavy share of the nostalgia , rain condition .

  19. 好多加油站是我们福建人开的,虽然是莆田人,你一样可以感受到象久别重逢的亲人,哪乡音,哪乡情。

    Many filling stations were open we Fujian , although Putian , you can feel the same as the parting of reuniting loved ones , which accent , which Golden Source .

  20. 有一个很大的“神话”是,大多数人就是不得不去看;他们无可救药地成为了某个俱乐部的终身粉丝,有一种血脉和乡情的依恋。

    The great myth is that most spectators simply have to go ; that they are helpless , lifelong fans of one club , bound to it by blood and soil .

  21. 本章认为,京派散文中乡情的悲剧意识,既有着中国传统文化中乡情的悲剧文化内涵,也有着形而下的对人的关注。

    This chapter holds that the Beijing style prose the nostalgia tragic consciousness in not only has the traditional Chinese cultural nostalgia tragic cultural connotation but also has the physical human attention .

  22. 津巴布韦大学举行了一场庆祝中国新年的庙会,1000名中国人欢聚一堂,回味家乡的味道、共诉乡情。

    The Gala held in the University of Zimbabwe to celebrate the Chinese New Year has gathered a thousand Chinese in Zimbabwe , giving them a taste of home and them the motherland .

  23. 乡情这一主题在战乱的五代表现得尤为突出,而五代乡情诗却极少有专题研究,只局限于单个诗人的研究。

    The theme of homesick poetry is outstanding in the Five Dynasties . However , the study on this kind of poetry is only limited on some individual researchers without any monographic study .

  24. 本文试图对《伊桑·布兰德》等小说进行解读,以揭示霍桑内心深处那种复杂而又浓郁的乡情。

    This paper analyzes his " Ethan Brand " and his other short stories and writings to show Hawthorme 's strong and mixed local complex to his hometown in the depth of his heart .

  25. 特殊的乡情,使黄集乡中学的留守青少年比例占到全校学生的45.5%,越轨行为发生率也比较高,具有研究的典型性意义。

    Therefore , all above mentioned give rise to a 45.5 % of left-behind teenagers in proportion to the whole school and a higher rate of transgression behavior , which are of typical significance .

  26. 基于此义,士族可看作是具有社会和政治双重身份的,以儒家思想为精神支持,具有乡情情结和政治联结的社会阶层群体。

    In the sense , The intelligentsia could be regarded as such a social community which has possessed both social and political identities , and has local emotion complex and political connection , with the Confucianism as its spiritual support .

  27. 第二部分和第三部分是全文重点,其中第二部分对大塘新农村建设模式及其模式形成进行阐述分析,认为新农村建设应根据乡情实际,因地制宜,科学决策,分类指导。

    The new countryside development model and model formation of the fishing village of Datang are on the analysis , a new countryside development should be based on actual hometown , according to local conditions , scientific decision-making , individual guidance .

  28. 抗倭文化则对福清的民间艺术、民间习俗等带来了一系列深刻的变化,铸就了福清人团结协作、奋勇拼搏、乐观向上的精神特质,也成为了福清凝聚乡情的重要纽带。

    Anti-Japanese Pirates Culture has brought a series of profound changes to Fuqing folk arts and local customs , helping build Fuqing residents ' spiritual characteristics of cooperation , bravery struggling , optimism aspiration . It becomes an important bond of provincialism for Fuqing residents .

  29. 城郊旅游小镇因其独特的自然景观、丰富的人文资源和浓郁的乡情民风备受游客青睐,近年来发展迅猛并成为推动旅游二次创业和城镇化的助推器。

    Suburban tourist town has become popular destination to tourists for its unique natural landscape , rich cultural resources and strong folk custom . In recent years , the booming of suburban tourist towns plays an important part in urbanization and " starting a new undertaking " in tourism industry .