
  • 网络The Lottery;lotto;Loto
  1. 乐透开奖的夜晚来临了,但芭芘特还是没有运气。

    Lotto night comes and Babbette still has no luck .

  2. 把赢奖的乐透选择保存到文本文件中。

    We save winning lotto picks in a text file .

  3. 他中了乐透但是隔天就翘了

    He won the lottery and died the next day

  4. 尽管他有在NBA成为一个优秀篮板手的潜力,但是他将无法兑现其宣传中的乐透秀的能力。

    Although he has the potential to become an excellent rebounder in the NBA , he will not live up his hype as a future lottery pick .

  5. AAU……全明星赛……乐透选秀……2017MVP竞赛。

    AAU ... All-Star game ... Draft Lottery ... 2017 MVP race .

  6. 你又中乐透彩了?你这家伙真幸运!

    You 've won the lottery again ? You lucky dog !

  7. 意大利超级乐透奖的累计奖金已高达1.94亿美元。

    Italy 's SuperEnalotto pot now rose to194 million dollars .

  8. 在寺庙里祈求乐透中奖号码。

    You pray at temples for a winning lottery number .

  9. 假若她中了乐透,她将会买个大房子。

    She would buy a large house if she won the lottery .

  10. 露露:是中乐透了还是怎样?

    Lulu : did you win the lottery or something ?

  11. 乐透彩券的中奖机率是百万分之一。

    The odds of winning the lottery are a million to one .

  12. 我们都中了生活的乐透。

    we have all won the lottery of life .

  13. 选秀的乐透区实际上就如同它的命名一般,是一场豪赌。

    The lottery is exactly what it 's labeled as - a lottery .

  14. 你们知道中了六百万元乐透彩的幸运吗?

    Do you know how to win the Lotto for six million dollars ?

  15. 在中乐透、还有停止偷东西前一个月。

    For about a month before I won the lottery and stopped stealing .

  16. 对教练来说每一天都相当于中了乐透彩票。

    For the Coach every day is lotto day .

  17. 弗雷德:别告诉我你中了这星期的乐透。

    Fred : don 't tell me you 've won the lottery this week .

  18. 但如何得到一个乐透区选秀权?

    But how to get a lotto pick ?

  19. 见科尼&乐透(如下)有前途的新的解释方法。

    See Corney & Lotto ( below ) for a promising new explanation approach .

  20. 于是,去医院看病变成了买乐透。

    So going the hospital is a lottery .

  21. 不是环游世界,不是中乐透!

    Visits the world , is not Lotto !

  22. 事实上,中乐透的人往往呈现变得极度不快乐。

    In fact , people who win the lottery often report becoming extremely unhappy .

  23. 亲爱的,乐透就要开始了。

    Baby , lotto ` s coming on .

  24. 不过,在会议过程中,小心谨慎地递给他一张全国乐透抽奖的刮刮卡。

    However , during the meeting , discreetly pass him a National Lotto scratch card .

  25. 也许我们该去买乐透

    Maybe we should play the lottery .

  26. 即便经济危机严重,失业率创历史新高,西班牙人一般还是会拿出47欧元买圣诞大乐透。

    The average Spaniard spent 47 on tickets despite the severe economic crisis and record unemployment .

  27. 你没有必要靠赢得乐透彩票把自己的存折变成七位数。

    You don 't have to win the lottery to see seven figures in your bank account .

  28. 这位“英国达人”的榜眼是来参加球赛中场休息时的乐透抽奖活动的。

    The " Britain 's Got Talent " runner-up was there to draw the half-time lottery winner .

  29. 上个月乐透抽签时湖人队运气爆发得到了首轮四号签。

    The Lakers moved up in last month 's lottery to have the No. 4 overall pick .

  30. 全部选中乐透的六个正确号码退一步说在统计学上是不可能的。

    Picking the right six numbers in a lotto is , to say the least , statistically improbable .