
  1. 乐天百货打算在收购完成后将这家中国公司的品牌改为LotteMart。

    Lotte Shopping plans to rebrand the Chinese company as Lotte Mart after the acquisition is completed .

  2. SHV将向乐天百货出售其在中贸联万客隆的所有股份及经营权。

    SHV is selling its entire stake and management rights in the joint venture to Lotte Shopping .

  3. 但有媒体报道称,乐天百货正考虑出资逾6000亿韩元(合5.13亿美元),从时代零售主席方铿(KennethFang)手中收购该公司72.3%的股份。

    But media reports said Lotte was considering buying a 72.3 per cent stake in the Chinese retailer from Kenneth Fang , chairman , for more than Won600bn ( $ 513m ) .

  4. 韩国第二大零售商乐天百货公司(LotteShopping)正进行谈判,拟收购中国超市运营商时代零售集团(Times)的控股权,以此拓展其中国业务。中国是全球增长最快的主要经济体。

    LOTTE SHOPPING IN TALKS TO BUY CHINESE CHAIN Lotte Shopping , South Korea 's second-largest retailer , is in talks to buy a controlling stake in Times , the Chinese supermarket operator , to expand its presence in the world 's fastest-growing major economy .

  5. 乐天百货将与出价6亿美元的中国零售商物美商业集团(WumartStores)争夺时代零售,时代零售已邀请多家潜在竞购者评估其业务。

    Lotte 's move will rival a $ 600m bid from Chinese retailer Wumart Stores for the Chinese supermarket chain , and comes after Times invited a number of potential bidders to review the company 's operations .

  6. 购买时代零售将有助于乐天百货扩大在华业务规模。在中国这样一个竞争激烈的市场,规模至关重要。

    Buying Times will help Lotte increase scale in China , which is critical in such a competitive market .

  7. 乐天百货计划于2008年上半年在中国开设其旗舰乐天百货连锁店的第一家分店。

    TD Lotte Shopping plans to open the first Chinese store in its flagship Lotte department-store chain in the first half of2008 .

  8. 乐天百货表示将致力于扩展中贸联万客隆的网络,同时寻求在中国进行其他并购的机会;

    Lotte Shopping said it is committed to broadening CTA Makro 's network , while looking for opportunities for further acquisitions in China .

  9. 韩国的第一大奢侈品零售商乐天百货近日表示,即时退税将在首尔市中心的主要旗舰店实行。

    Lotte Department Store , South Korea 's No. 1 luxury retailer , said the instant tax refund will be given at its main flagship store in downtown Seoul .

  10. 我们正评估通过并购在中国扩张的机会,收购时代零售将可能是选择之一,乐天百货的一位发言人表示。他拒绝透露任何细节,并补充称,目前尚未作出任何决定。

    We are reviewing opportunities to expand in China through mergers and acquisitions and buying Times could be one of the options , said a Lotte spokesman . He declined to give any details , adding that no decision has been made yet .