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Study on the Method and Instrument for Rapid Determination of Uranium Plutonium and Neptunium in Spent Fuel Reprocessing Solution by Flow Injection Analysis
Consequence assessment of attacking nuclear spent fuel pool by terrorist
Measurement of ~ ( 235 ) U Mass and Burnup in Fuel Assembly in Research Reactors
The suitable condition and operation step are obtained for the determination of Zr by spectrophotometry and X ray fluorescence spectrometry .
57 Co source excited K XRF analysis of u and Pu concentrations in PWR spent fuel reprocessing solution
Study on Behaviour of 1A Mixer-settler for the Spent Fuel Reprocessing of High-enriched Uranium
The method is well suited to control or in line analyze concentrations of U and Pu in PWR spent fuel reprocessing process .
SPENT FUEL POOL Q. What if I took a swim in a typical spent nuclear fuel pool ?
The analysis method of chemical composition of insoluble residue of spent PWR fuel has been developed by using a self-made prototype of total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometer .
It is predicated that the method could also be applied to practical sample analysis of insoluble residue of spent PWR fuel .
The transuranic elements especially the minor actinides ( MA ) in spent fuel represent potential environmental radiotoxicity hazard in the long term .
Development of Cover Seal Mechanism of Spent Fuel Element Shipping Cask in 10 MW High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor
Preliminary measuring of spent fuels in SPRR - 300
Presently the Purex process is widely used in the commercial reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel .
The interface between Pu product of pressure water reator spent fuel reprocessing plant and MOX fuel fabrication
This paper briefly introduces the functions , system flowsheet , main equipments and design features of10MW HTR-TM spent fuel storage system .
The simulated sample of insoluble residue of spent PWR fuel was analyzed by two sample preparation methods including microwave decomposition-solution prepared sample and particle suspension direct prepared sample .
In this system the ADAM-5000 series product is used as the sensor and controller , the system is designed with the software of Lab Windows / CVI .
Therefore , acetaldoxime can be used as the reductant for the separation of U and Pu in the Purex process of spent fuel without adding any other stabiliser , since it can scavenge HNO_2 completely by itself . Support ?
Spent Fuel Storage for 200 MW
RETRAN THERMO-HYDRAULIC SAFETY ANALYSIS OF SPENT FUEL POOL Introducing the technology of thermo ? Ice Thermo Storage
The structure , function , design parameters and working processes of the cover seal mechanism of spent fuel element shipping cask in 10 MW high-temperature gas-cooled reactor ( HTR-10 ) are introduced in the paper .
This paper describes a physics feasibility study for the burning of spent fuel from a 350 MW ring-shaped modular high temperature gas cooled reactor in an accelerator-driven sub-critical reactor .
The results showed that the 300 MWt pebble bed GFR based on the deep burn-up concept could effectively raise the availability of the uranium resources and decrease the pile-up of minor actinide .
The detector can been used to determine the burnup , cooling time and the contents of whole plutonium and whole fission material in spent fuel assemblies of the PWR and BWR types at a reprocessing and storage facility .
Separately , Japan 's national broadcaster NHK reported Sunday that firefighters will soon resume operations to spray water onto the No.3 reactor in a bid to cool down its overheating spent fuel pool .
It is very important for transmutation of long-lived fission products ( LLFP ) due to the serious radioactive hazard of the LLFP from commercial fission reactors .
RETRAN model of nodal calculations is convenient and accurate in thermo-hydraulic analysis of SFP either on steady-state or transient conditions , and can be used for licensing applications as well as best estimate of SFP temperature .
Here 's the geometry of a typical fuel storage pool :
Study on thermal testing of ry-i type transport cask for spent fuels