
zhǔ duì
  • home team;home (host) team;host team
主队 [zhǔ duì]
  • [home (host) team] 体育比赛主办方参赛队

主队[zhǔ duì]
  1. 主队牢牢控制着比赛的局面。

    The home team took a firm grip on the game .

  2. 我们以1:10惨败给主队。

    We were slaughtered 10 – 1 by the home team .

  3. 他们使主队吃了一场很没面子的败仗。

    They inflicted a humiliating defeat on the home team .

  4. 主队要求判点球,但裁判却要他们继续比赛。

    The home team claimed a penalty but the referee told them to play on .

  5. 主队轻松取胜。

    The home team cruised to victory .

  6. 主队再进一球从而奠定了优势。

    The home side rubbed in their superiority with a further goal .

  7. 主队在第二局比赛中拿下50分。

    The home side were all out for 50 in their second innings .

  8. 主队太不走运了,输掉了比赛。

    The home team was desperately unlucky to lose the match .

  9. 主队最终以86比75击败了意大利队。

    The host team eventually prevailed over the Italian team 86-75 .

  10. 比赛结果是主队险胜。

    The result was a narrow victory for the home team .

  11. 主队以大比分打败了客队。

    The home team beat the visiting team by a large score .

  12. 上半场主队落后一分。

    The home team trailed by one point at half time .

  13. 主队以二比三败于客队。

    The home team lost to the visitors 2 to 3 .

  14. 主队和客队在一起练球。

    The home team and the visitors are practising together .

  15. 主队胜机很大。

    The host team stands a good chance of winning .

  16. 主队败于客队。

    The home team was defeated by the visiting team .

  17. 今天下午主队输得惨极了。

    The home team was skinned alive this afternoon .

  18. 他们在为主队呐喊助威。

    They were shouting for the home team .

  19. 我决定坐在主队东京养乐多燕子队(TokyoYakultSwallows)那一侧的外场位置。

    I decided on an outfield ticket on the side of the home team , the Tokyo Yakult Swallows .

  20. CBA联赛赛制南北分区实力不均,赛制功能没有制造必要的对抗和悬念,主队效应没有得到充分体现。

    In CBA system , the actual strengths of Northern and Southern teams are out of balance and home team effect fails to be produced due to a lack of necessary confrontation and suspense .

  21. 保罗。斯科尔斯的头球帮助曼联领先,但KenwyneJones让主队扳平了比分。而曼联替补马切达连续2周打进制胜球又一次抢占了报纸头条。

    Paul Scholes headed United ahead , but Kenwyne Jones prodded home an equaliser to leave substitute Kiko Macheda to steal the headlines with a late winner for the second week in a row .

  22. 主队总是比对手占有更有利的条件。

    The home team always have an advantage over their opponents .

  23. 主队以悬殊比分垂手赢得(这场比赛的)胜利。

    The local team won ( the match ) hands down .

  24. 主队在上半场两次击中门柱。

    The host team hit post twice in the first half .

  25. 这场比赛以主队获胜而告终?

    The game terminated in a victory for the home team .

  26. 主队与客队在比赛中打成平局。

    The home team and the visitors tied in the game .

  27. 客队根本不是主队的对手。

    The visiting team was no match for the home team .

  28. 主队表现十分差劲,最后彻底失败了。

    The home team played badly and suffered a sound defeat .

  29. 东道主队在昨晚的比赛中惨败。

    The host team was clobbered in last night 's game .

  30. 大多数人在为主队加油。

    Most of the crowd were rooting for the home team .