- 名principal component;major constituent

Determination of the Main Components in Ni-Zn Ferrite with X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
Creating ill-conditioned matrix in GM ( 1 , N ) and improve method by principal component
The method is markedly superior to of principal component analysis especially when X has serious multi-correlation .
Microcomputer based on PCA transformation of TM lmages and its information feature analysis
PCA method used in image fusion
A popular decomposition called principal component analysis ( PCA ) is widely used for feature extraction .
Fingerprint analysis of coffee flavor with GC-MS and principal component analysis and differentiation of little difference samples
In order to make full use of the routine test data of cigarette smoke , the data was analyzed with various statistical methods .
Firstly , principal component analysis ( PCA ) and multiclass discrimination analysis were combined to establish lubricant oild brand discrimination model .
Principle Component Sorting of MEA Signal Spike
2.5 % span length was the main factor in the first principal component .
Selecting spot 7 which can most represent the water quality status of it as study object and filtrating the water quality parameters as the inputs for network by principal component analysis .
The results showed that peasantry average house area , the first industry GDP , nonagricultural population and highway mileage are the four main factors of reducing cultivated land in Tai'an .
Conditional logistic regression , principal component analysis , factor analysis and generalized relative risk model were used to analyse the risk factors and the potential interactions between some risk factors .
University EHR System Based on Main Component Analysis
At the same time , method of principle component cluster analysis based on Lyapunov exponent spectrum in this paper combines methods of statistics and nonlinear dynamical methods together .
Based on the analysis of feature vector and original bands loading on the main principal components , we known that PCA is of some affects about feature selection .
Supervised principal components analysis and Partial least squares Cox regression methods solve these problem by combine the Cox proportional hazards model with technique of dimension reduction .
Based on the above-mentioned research , the present paper evaluates and analyzes the development of Shanghai new towns by applying the principal component analysis in SPSS mathematical statistics .
The primary component analysis was applied to the wear particle HSI color parameters to judge the composition of the wear debris .
Using the SPSS statistical analysis , the results showed that three components of TMP ( job support , job feedback and psychological interaction ) .
The problem of selection between combining ridge and principal component ( CRPC ) estimator and LS estimator in Gauss-Markov model is studied .
Aiming at the preceding problem , this paper puts forward a feature selection method using Information Gain ( IG ) and Principle Component ( Analysis )( PCA ) .
Further analysis of the main composition method shows that among the main composition the available N has the main function . In the sour alkali characteristics , the pH shows the character of sour alkaline of soil most obviously .
And using Locality Preserving Projections ( LPP ) algorithm and classical Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ) algorithm extract feature in 3D face depth image .
In the light of the approximate multicollinearity of matrix , distance for principal components estimation ( namely distance ) is put forward .
One way to improve the robustness of principal component analysis ( PCA ) is studied in order to increase the accuracy of feature extraction based on PCA in engineering image recognition .
Using SPSS and Excel for index selection , the paper constitutes a new evaluation index system , and then the clustering of each city commercial logistics development evaluation through Principal Component Clustering .
A main component Al-6 % Si-2 % Mg of an advanced semi-solid aluminum alloy was designed by thermodynamic calculations with the consideration of the basic principle of semi-solid processing ( SSP ) .
An algorithm for color calibration was proposed by integrating an ANFIS ( adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system ) with KPCA ( kernel principal component analysis ) .