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fēng mǎn
  • plentiful;full and round;well-developed;full-grown;plump;full;fullness
丰满 [fēng mǎn]
  • (1) [plump;full-grown;well-developed]∶人体胖得适度好看

  • 他的妻子很丰满而他则瘦小

  • (2) [full]∶充足;达到所需要的程度

  • 粮仓丰满

丰满[fēng mǎn]
  1. 传统水墨和民间艺术看上去憨厚、吉祥,立体表现的手法则使动物更为丰满。

    Traditional ink painting and folk art look simple , honest , and auspicious , while dimensional expressionism makes animals more plentiful .

  2. 二十世纪至今的吸血鬼文学创作,总的趋势是充实、丰满吸血鬼形象,使其人性化;

    From 20'c to these days , the general trend of the vampire literature is the enriched and plentiful vampire image which can be humanized .

  3. 他们专为体形较丰满的女士做衣服。

    They specialize in clothes for women with a fuller figure .

  4. 那位戴帽子的丰满女士是谁?

    Who 's the rather large lady in the hat ?

  5. 他吻了她那丰满性感的嘴唇。

    He kissed her full sensual lips .

  6. 那件连衣裙凸显了她的蜂腰,也让她的胸部看起来更丰满。

    The dress exaggerates her wasp waist and enlarges her bosom .

  7. 体形较丰满的人穿夏装总是不那么好看。

    Summer clothes are invariably less kind to fuller figures .

  8. 朱诺系列专门针对身材较为丰满的女士推出大号女装。

    The Juno Collection specialises in large sizes for ladies with a fuller figure .

  9. 他从此使自己的故事更加丰满。

    He has since fleshed out his story .

  10. 梅利莎是个丰满的高个子金发美女。

    Melissa was a tall , buxom blonde .

  11. 它那时还是只毛茸茸的小母鸭,我们一直把它养到羽翼丰满。

    She was a little fluffy baby duck which we reared until she was fully grown .

  12. 尽管她以扮演头脑简单的金发女郎著称,这一次她却得到了一个人物形象更丰满的角色。

    Famous for playing dizzy blondes , this time she has been given a more meaty role .

  13. 姑娘的身段在青春期变得丰满。

    The figure of a girl fills out at puberty .

  14. 粮仓丰满。

    The granaries are full .

  15. 这种护发剂使你的头发增加丰满之感。

    This conditioner will give your hair more body .

  16. 她原是个好看的丰满的妇女,四十来岁;现在却是个七十上下年纪,肥胖的,红脸的老太婆了。

    The good-looking buxom woman , betwixt forty and fifty , was now a fat , red-faced , old dam of seventy , or thereabouts .

  17. 她穿一件金色的长服,露出丰满的颈子和双肩,肤色柔和而苍白,使她的风度特别迷人。

    And the full , soft pallor of her neck and shoulders , above a gold-coloured frock , gave to her personality an alluring strangeness .

  18. 能显著提高产品的光泽度、附着力、丰满度、耐老化性。

    Considerably increase the glossiness , adhesive force , fullness and aging resistance of theproducts .

  19. 拥有沙漏身材的女性有着丰满的胸部和圆润的臀部,与纤细的腰部形成鲜明的对比,这种身材的轮廓因为酷似古时的沙漏而得名。

    Women with this type of figure have wide hips that resembles an old-fashioned hourglass .

  20. 我一直秉持着读书能够开阔视野、直抵内心、丰满灵魂这一观点。在书中有些描写有趣的事情还会激发你的想象力。

    I have always believed that reading books can expand the mind , touch the heart , and enrich the soul . They can also cause your imagination to do some funny things at times .

  21. 哦,U频道,能让我丰满。

    Oh , Channel U , the ones that made me huge .

  22. 附加BA和NAA,外植体形成丰满的愈伤组织。

    With BA and NAA induces full-grown calli .

  23. 在单元上构造了新的局部化的离散Green函数,证明了间断有限元解的丰满阶最大模估计。

    First , through constructing a new local discrete Green function , we prove the highest order maximum norm estimation of the solution of discontinuous finite element methods ;

  24. 以前,如果你的文胸罩杯尺寸大于“C”,那么你就不能指望自己的文胸有很多的款式,胸部丰满的女性只能买得到那种结实耐用的“老奶奶”型文胸。

    Once , if your bra size was deeper into the alphabet than ' C , ' you couldn 't expect much style in your bra . Busty women were presented with sturdy ' grandma ' - looking contraptions .

  25. 鞣制采用稀土一KMC结合鞣法以及使用发泡感强,柔软丰满性好的材料,进行配合使用。

    In tanning process , RE-KMC combination tannage was used .

  26. 我喜欢丰满、浓郁的词汇。比如ooze(软泥)、turpitude(卑鄙)、glutinous(黏糊糊的)、toady(谄媚)。

    I like fat buttery words , such as ooze , turpitude , glutinous , toady .

  27. 磺化油SS-1和STO有良好的填充性,可提高皮革的丰满性和手感。

    The sulfonated oil SS-1 and STO can increase the fullness and hand of the leather .

  28. 这名30岁的职业罪犯俘获了全世界女性的芳心,在Facebook和Twitter上网友称赞米克斯有着高高的颧骨、丰满的嘴唇和炯炯有神的眼睛。

    The 30-year-old career criminal has become an object of lust for women the world over who took to Facebook and Twitter lavishing praise on his high cheekbones , full lips and piercing blue eyes .

  29. 非对称N次谐波凸轮的气门上升段的气门开启速度可取得较大,并将缓冲段包角增大,可以有效地提高上升段的挺柱升程丰满系数,改善充气性能;

    It is proposed that there is a quicker valve-opening speed during the lift of the valve with asymmetrical , N-times harmonic wave cam , and an enlarged wrap angle during the buffer , which can effectively increase the lifting range of tappet stem and approve charging ;

  30. 把常规裙装当孕装穿,埃萨(Issa)也是理想的选择,因为标志性的V字领让本已丰满的胸部显得更为傲人,裙服在腰部打褶,让身怀六甲者的腹部显得更加楚楚动人。

    Issa is also a favourite non-maternity line for maternity wear , because the signature V-neck is flattering on an ample bust and the pleating at the waist flattering to a baby bump .