
  • 网络intermediate frequency furnace;Medium frequency furnace;kgps
  1. 对LF炉与中频炉双联冶炼高合金工艺实践进行了分析、研究。

    This paper analyzes the practice of technology of co-smelting high-alloy steel by the LF furnace and intermediate frequency furnace .

  2. 本文对中频炉配置方案的部分细节问题做了描述,并提出一些建议。

    The paper describes the arrangement of intermediate frequency furnace and makes some suggestions on it .

  3. 小型AOB及中频炉冶炼势头不减;

    Small AOB and medium frequency furnace is still in use .

  4. 研究了1t中频炉铁液过热对铁液质量和激冷铸铁凸轮轴组织的影响。

    The effect of superheat on characteristics of melt iron and microstructure of chilled iron camshaft was studied in a 1 t intermediate frequency induction furnace .

  5. 采用0.5t中频炉,以中碳锰铁、废旧铝粒、废旧钢材为原料按一定比例重熔,生产锰铝合金,实践证明,此方法简便可行,具有一定的经济效益。

    The method is simple and feasible of re-melting manganese aluminum particles and waste steel in 0.5 ton medium frequency induction furnace . The economic benefit is better .

  6. 经过中频炉熔炼,压力加工以及热处理,制备了厚度尺寸范围0.10~0.20mm的Pd-Ba合金箔材。

    Middle-frequency melting , deformed process and final heat-treatment were used to prepare Pd-Ba alloy foil with thickness in range of 0.1 ~ 0.2 mm .

  7. 利用化学分析、图像分析、扫描电镜和能谱分析等检测手段研究了82B钢水在中频炉中经1500℃冶炼80min后耐火材料内衬成分变化及钢中硫夹杂物的变化。

    The changes in refractories composition and sulfide inclusions in steel after smelting 82B steel in refractory crucibles at 1500 ℃ for 80 min in medium frequency induction furnace were investigated by means of chemical analysis , image analysis , SEM and EDAX .

  8. 通过对炉衬材料的选择,作用机理及影响石英砂炉衬材料寿命的相关因素的阐述,说明了SD-T-A石英砂干振料可提高中频炉酸性炉衬使用寿命的原因。

    The choose of liner material s , working principle and factors of influencing the life of liner material were described and the reason of prolonging the life of medium-frequency induction furnace by using SD-T-A silica sand dry material was discussed .

  9. 中频炉酸性炉衬使用寿命的探讨

    Discussion of the Life of Acidic Liner for Medium-Frequency Induction Furace

  10. 海绵铋中频炉还原熔炼

    Reduction Smelting of Sponge Bismuth with Medium Frequency Induction Smelting Furnace

  11. 高铝钒土中性炉衬在中频炉上的应用

    Application of High Bauxite Neutral Lining in Medium frequency Induction Furnace

  12. 临安地区典型中频炉用户的谐波测量与分析

    Harmonics Measurement and Analysis of the Consumer 's Typical Medium-frequency Induction Furnaces

  13. 中频炉炉温模糊控制系统

    The Fuzzy Control System of Intermediate Frequency Furnace Temperature

  14. 中频炉重熔高碳铬铁粉若干问题探讨

    Probe into some problems of remelting high carbon ferrochromium in medium frequency induction furnace

  15. 高炉-中频炉双联熔炼短流程生产高质量铸铁件

    Production of High Quality Iron Castings by Duplex Melting with Blast and Induction Furnaces

  16. 碱性中频炉炉衬的粘渣及控制

    Slag Sticking of Basic Lining of Medium Frequency Induction Melting Furnace and Its Control

  17. 水的软化对中频炉冷却水循环系统的效果分析

    Analysis on the Effect of Softening Processing for the Water in Cooling Water Circular System

  18. 对高炉-中频炉双联短流程熔炼生产铸铁件工艺进行了分析研究。

    The duplex melting process by Blast and Medium-Frequency Induction Furnaces for cast iron production has been studied .

  19. 本文介绍了电渣精铸裂解炉弯管的设备、工艺,并同传统的中频炉一砂型铸造工艺进行了比较。

    This paper summarises the equipment and process of producing return bends used for the ethylene cracking furnace by ESR-precision casting .

  20. 碱性炉衬的粘渣,使中频炉冶炼时间延长,吨钢电耗增加,炉衬寿命缩短。

    The slag sticking of basic lining of medium frequency furnace makes melting time and specific electric consumption be increased , lining life shortened .

  21. 分析了高炉中频炉双联熔炼短流程生产工艺的特点,采用液态金属状态测评系统研究短流程铁液状态。

    It was investigated that the short-cut process of producing high quality iron castings by duplex melting with blast furnace and medium frequency induction furnace .

  22. 中频炉在使用过程中产生大量的谐波,导致电网中谐波污染非常严重。

    When the Intermediate frequency inductive stoves are used , they can produce large amount of harmonic source which causes serious harmonic pollution of power grid .

  23. 大量非线性用电设备(如整流器、电弧炉、中频炉等设备)向电网注入的谐波已经影响到电网的电能质量和变电站的安全运行。

    A large number of nonlinear electrical equipments , such as rectifier , electrical arc furnace , medium-frequency furnace , inject the harmonics to the power system .

  24. 对铸造现场高炉-中频炉双联短流程熔炼和常规中频炉熔炼铁液状态进行了比较研究。

    The quality of melt iron made by two melting processes , medium-frequency induction furnace and duplex melting with blast and medium-frequency induction furnaces , was studied comparatively on the foundry floor .

  25. 介绍了对传统的热压金刚石钻头用中频炉的技术改造,包括扫描启动控制、中频电源、阻抗自动调节、闭环温度控制等技术。

    The paper introduces the technology improvement on medium frequency furnace for traditional hot pressing diamond bit , such as control on starting scan , medium frequency power supply , automatic adjustment for impedance and temperature control on closed-loop .

  26. 在硅化钼电阻炉和中频感应炉内,用Si-Fe、Si-Al合金作发热剂进行了钢液升温的实验研究。

    The application of Si Fe and Si Al alloys as heating agent to heat molten steel is studied by using MoSi resistance furnace and medium frequency induction furnace .

  27. 用MCS-51单片微机改造晶闸管中频感应炉

    A MCS-51 Single-chip Microcomputer for Remolding the SCR Medium Frequency Inductive Heating Computer Simulation of Inductive Heating of Tubes

  28. GTR型中频透热炉在管端成型机中的应用工中频感应加热设备静止式中频加热电源

    The application of GTR type intermediate frequency completely heating stove in tube-end forming machine

  29. 中频感应炉用刚玉质干式捣打料烧结性的研究提高SiC陶瓷烧结用真空中频感应炉加热性能的试验研究

    Study on sintering property of corundum based dry ramming mix for intermediate frequency induction furnace IMPROVEMENT ON THE HEATING PERFORMANCES OF VACUUM INDUCTION FURNACE FOR SINTERING SIC CERAMICS

  30. 文章利用中频感应炉炼制2种锰含量不同的硫化物自润滑合金,通过SEM观察断口并结合组织分析,研究合金中的硫化物形成以及合金的断裂行为。

    Self-lubrication alloys containing sulphide with different contents of manganese were prepared by a induction melting and casting process . The formation of sulfide in these alloys and their fracture were researched both with a scanning electron microscope and microstructure analysis .