
  • 网络Intermediate Station;middle station;wayside station
  1. 为提升南输管道的输送能力,在考虑南输管道现有设备的基础上,提出了启用中间站的工艺,以满足南方市场油品的需求。

    Take the equipments in the product oil pipeline into account , the transportation process to start up the Anshan middle station to increase the transportation capacity of the pipeline is determined in order to meet the needs of southern product oil market .

  2. 提出一种基于解析法设计凸轮轮廓线的原理,以Matlab为平台,Excel为中间站,通过人机交互式作图,实现了在AutoCAD中的凸轮轮廓的绘制。

    Proposed a kind of principle based on the analysis method to design cam contour , take Matlab as the platform , and Excel as an intermediate station . The method through the man-machine interactive mapping , has realized on plotting cam contour in the AutoCAD .

  3. 基于DEA的中间站资源配置效率评价

    Evaluation of Efficiency of Intermediary Stations Distribution of Resources Based on DEA

  4. 为支持〈铁路中间站场CAD系统〉用户界面的设计,我们设计了图形窗口类win-dow。

    To support design of user interface of 〈 Railway way station CAD system 〉, We designed a graphical window class .

  5. 铁路提速区段中间站行车安全评价的研究

    Study on Driving Safety Assessment of Intermediary Stations on Speed-up Railway

  6. 城市轨道列车在中间站折返时的通过能力适应性分析

    Analysis on Carrying Capacity for URT Train Turn-back at Wayside Station

  7. 对中间站多次取样,及时化验;

    Make frequent and timely sampling and testing in intermediate station ;

  8. 中转房屋的出租/空置情况中间站线路和房屋布置标准图

    Letting and vacancies of interim housing standard track layout at intermediate stations

  9. 不,这只是我们前往华盛顿路上的中间站。

    No , this is just one stopover on our way to D.C.

  10. 客运专线中间站合理站间距的探讨

    Discussing on the Rational Distance between Intermediate Stations of Passenger Dedicated Line

  11. 实际传送中要涉及一系列的中间站。

    The actual delivery may involve a series of intermediate staging points .

  12. 多层次灰色评价法在铁路中间站分布决策中的应用

    The Application of Multilevel Grey Evaluation Method to Distributive Decision for Railway Station

  13. 这里是比赛的中间站。

    It 's the spit pith stop for this leg of the race .

  14. 只在几个中间站停车的快车。

    A fast train that stops at only a few of the intermediate stations .

  15. 老师在学生中间站着。

    The teacher is standing between the students .

  16. 区段内中间站等级的模糊综合评判研究

    Research on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation for the grade of intermediate station in the district

  17. 正开车前往下一中间站。

    Drive yourselves to the next pit stop .

  18. 中间站线路和房屋布置标准图

    Standard track layout at intermediate stations

  19. 不停车会车条件下计算中间站会车线长度的新方法

    A New Computation Method of Length of Loop Line at Intermediate Station in Cast of Flying Crossing

  20. 复线高速铁路中间站基本图型的探讨

    An Approach to the Basic Layout Drawing of Intermediate Station on a Double Track High Speed Railway

  21. 非典型增生是一个病理学上的概念,是从良性改变到恶性改变的中间站,是由量变到质变的关键点。

    Atypical hyperplasia is a concept of pathology , a halfway house between the innocent and malignant change .

  22. 加强中间站管理,首先要选拔好中间站站长。

    To strengthen the management of intermediate station , first of all the best stationmaster must be chosen .

  23. 空军表示他们对新的飞机有迫切的需求来给中间站的飞行器补给燃料。

    The Air Force says it has a serious need for new planes to refuel aircraft in mid-flight .

  24. 密苏里州最大的城市;在世纪是西行马车队的一个重要的中间站。

    The largest city in Missouri ; was an important staging area for wagon trains westward in the 19th century .

  25. 在土地发展与公共交通发展初期,简单的公交中间站设置便可满足车辆停靠与旅客乘降需求。

    In initial stage of land-use bus developing , simple design of stops is enough for buses'dwelling and passengers'boarding alighting .

  26. 中间站是铁路运输最基层的生产单位,其投入产出的效果关系到铁路运营的收入,因此对中间站工作效率有效性进行综合评价很有必要。

    The intermediary station is a grass-roots production unit of railway transportation , whose effect of input-output has directive relation to railway income .

  27. 公交中间站是实现旅客沿途乘降的重要基础设施,在公交系统中发挥着重要的作用。

    Bus stop is a kind of primary facility in bus operation , it is very important for providing possibility of passengers'alighting and boarding .

  28. 提出了铁路提速区段中间站行车安全保障模糊层次评价的一般方法;

    A general method for driving safety assurance on fuzzy analytical assessment level of intermediary stations on speed up section of railway was put forward .

  29. 与电子业有关的另一项新发展是电子中间站的出现,这种中间站正开始在全国各地涌现出来。

    Another development related to the electronic cottage is the emergence of electronic " halfway houses " which are beginning to crop up across the country .

  30. 为此,介绍了一种热油管道首站或加热站加热负荷的计算方法,以合理确定管道首站和中间站的热负荷。

    The paper introduces a method for calculating the heating load of initial station or heating station of hot oil pipeline , and gives proof to it .