
pián zhī tǐ
  • corpus callosum
  1. 正常人不同年龄群胼胝体的MRI研究

    The MRI research for corpus callosum of normal Chinese human of differential-age group

  2. 胼胝体损伤的MRI与临床

    Clinic and MRI of Corpus Callosum Injury

  3. 青年抑郁症患者胼胝体MR扩散张量成像研究

    Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study of Corpus Callosum in Youth Major Depression

  4. CT扫描胼胝体区均未见异常密度灶。

    There was no abnormal lesion of corpus callosum on CT images .

  5. 胼胝体发育不全的CT和MRI评价

    CT and MRI Evaluation of Dysplasia of the Corpus Callosum

  6. 胼胝体梗死的MRI表现及其诊断价值

    Corpus callosal infarction : appearances and diagnostic value of MR imaging

  7. 方法回顾性分析12例胼胝体非出血性挫伤的MRI资料。

    Methods The MR images of 12 patients were reviewed retrospectively .

  8. 胼胝体变性与梗死的MRI诊断及鉴别诊断

    MRI diagnosis and differential diagnosis of corpus callosum degeneration and infarction

  9. 胼胝体病变的临床与CT、MRI表现

    Clinical CT and MRI of the Corpus Callosum Disorders

  10. 胼胝体脂肪瘤的CT和MRI诊断

    Lipoma of the Corpus Callosum : CT and MRI

  11. 胼胝体发育不全的CT诊断(附8例报告)

    CT Diagnosis of Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum ( A Report of 8 Cases )

  12. MRI平扫及增强对胼胝体梗死具有较高的敏感性。

    MRI and enhanced MRI were highly sensitive to corpus callosal infarction .

  13. 胼胝体区脑胶质瘤34例MRI诊断及手术病理对照研究

    MRI diagnosis of cerebral glioma involving corpus callosum and its operational pathology

  14. 胼胝体梗死的MRI分析

    Analysis of MRI features of the corpus callosum infarction

  15. 研究人员使用了特殊的MRI扫描技术研究脑胼胝体。

    The scientists used special MRI scanning technics to study the corpus callosum .

  16. 胼胝体区肿瘤的MRI诊断

    Diagnosis of corpus callosum region tumors by MRI

  17. [背景]分析胼胝体梗死的MRI表现特点。

    BACKGROUND To analyze the MRI findings and features for the corpus callosum infaction .

  18. MRI诊断胼胝体发育不良合并脑灰质异位、巨脑回畸形1例

    MRI diagnosis of DCC with gray matter heterotopia and pachygyria : one case report

  19. B组细胞主要聚集在梗塞中心移植区域,也有大量细胞存活,充填梗塞区,少量细胞可穿过胼胝体向健侧迁移;

    Many NSCs could live , pass through the ventricular membrane and migrate to the ischemia region in group A ;

  20. MRI诊断脑灰质异位合并胼胝体发育不全1例报告

    One Case : MRI Diagnosis of Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum and Gray Matter Heterotopia

  21. 对6例胼胝体发育不全的MRI表现进行了分析。

    The MRI manifestation of agenesis of the corpus callosum in 6 cases was analysed .

  22. 胼胝体胶质细胞瘤的MRI诊断

    MRI diagnosis of the corpus callosum gliomas

  23. 目的报告4例胼胝体非出血性挫伤的MRI表现。

    To describe MRI findings of 4 cases of non - hemorrhagic contusion of corpus callosum .

  24. 目的研究胼胝体脂肪瘤的CT和MRI征象及诊断价值。

    Objective To study features of callosal lipoma and the value of CT and MRI in the diagnosis .

  25. 结论胼胝体发育不良合并脂肪瘤的CT表现具有特征性,CT能够作出正确诊断。

    Conclusion Correct diagnosis of dysplasia of corpus callosum complicating lipoma could be made on the basis of CT characteristics .

  26. 胼胝体损伤的临床CT分析(附30例报告)

    A study on clinical features and CT findings of the corpus callosum injury ( a report of 30 cases )

  27. Alzheimer病胼胝体萎缩的MRI定量研究

    MRI study on corpus callosum atrophy in alzheimer disease

  28. CT平扫发现胼胝体梗死阳性率低,MRI对胼胝体梗死具有较高的敏感性和特异性。

    The positive rate of CT scan was lower , MRI had higher sensitivity and specificity for callosal infarction .

  29. 方法对16例儿童和成人胼胝体发育不全患者的CT和MRI表现进行分析,并讨论其诊断作用。

    Methods The CT and MRI findings in 16 pediatric and adult cases with corpus callosum dysplasia were reviewed .

  30. 胼胝体池:平均最大宽径为(3.44±0.40)mm;

    8 ) corpus callosum cistern , average maximal width was ( 3.44 ± 0.40 ) mm ;