
  • 网络Zhongjiang;zhongjiang county
  1. 为经济发展注入血液&记中国工商银行中江县支行

    Industrial and Commercial Bank of China , Zhongjiang County Subbranch

  2. 让世界在中江同我们见面&访中江县对外经济贸易总公司总经理兰贵太先生

    Zhongjiang County Foreign Economy and Trade Corporation

  3. 汶川8.0级地震后中江县水库震害调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Earthquake Damages to Reservoirs in Zhongjiang County During M8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake

  4. 增强竞争意识服务农业经济&访中国农业银行中江县支行行长江仕兴先生

    Agricultural Bank of China , Zhongjiang Subbranch

  5. 构筑信息高速公路飞架经济腾飞桥梁&访中江县邮电局局长龚宗堂先生

    Zhongjiang County Post and Telecommunications Bureau

  6. 中江县水稻螟虫种群变化及其主要影响因子分析

    Study on the population dynamics of rice stem borers and its main impact factors in Zhongjiang county

  7. 开拓奋进的中江县凯江镇

    Kaijiang Town in Zhongjiang County

  8. 川中丘陵区土壤养分时间变异特征研究&以中江县玉兴镇为例

    Temporal Variation Characteristics of Soil Nutrient in Hilly Region of Mid-Sichuan Basin : A Case Study in Yuxing Town of Zhongjiang County

  9. 以中江县富兴镇为例,对四川盆地丘陵坡地集雨蓄水工程的综合效益进行分析。

    The benefits of the projects of rainfall collecting and water keeping in hilly slopeland of Sichuan Basin are evaluated through the examples of Fuxing town , Zhongjiang county .

  10. 评估结果显示,如果按总体损失指标(经济损失或无家可归人数),江油、三台、安县、都江堰市、绵竹市、中江县是损失最严重的六个县;

    According to the total loss index , the total economic loss or homeless population , Jiangyou , Santai , Anxian , Dujiangyan , Mianzhu and Zhongjiang are six of the considerable counties in loss .

  11. 对中江县中药材产业化基地调查资料和实际监测结果表明:中江县中药材产业化基地农业环境未受到污染,适合无公害中药材的生产。

    Investigations and monitoring results of the industrialization base of traditional Chinese medicine in Zhongjiang county , Sichuan province show that the county is suitable to produce harmless traditional Chinese medicines due to its non-polluted ( agricultural ) environment .