
zhōnɡ qī dài kuǎn
  • Medium term loan;extended fund facility
  1. 世界银行独立评估小组(independentevaluationgroup)在昨日发布的年度发展成果评估报告中表示,世界银行的中期贷款成果有所改善,但2007年业绩也存在倒退。

    In its annual review of development effectiveness , the independent evaluation group of the world bank said yesterday that the medium-term outcomes from bank lending had improved , but there had also been a dip in performance in 2007 .

  2. 发放短期、中期和长期贷款;

    Issue short-term , medium-term and long-term loans ;

  3. IMF指出,上世纪90年代中期,在杠杆贷款得到繁荣发展之前,这一比例是6%。

    As the IMF notes , in the mid-1990s , before the leverage boom , the ratio was 6 per cent .

  4. 去年11月,前首席执行长韩德胜(Frederick“Fritz”Henderson)承诺将在2011年中期之前还完贷款。

    In November , former Chief Executive Frederick'Fritz'Henderson promised to repay the money by mid-2011.Mr .