
A Survey of Sexual Psychology and Attitude of Chinese Peace - keepers in Liberia
It will be the first time for China 's peacekeeping forces to march in the military parade on National Day .
This is a lot of fun after standing on guard and patrolling in the day , said Chen Yongjun , a senior officer of the Chinese peacekeepers .
Objective : To investigate the sexual psychology and sexual attitude of the Chinese peace-keepers in Liberia , attempting a correct guidance and psychological intervention in this aspect .
Since then , its soldiers have left footprints in Africa 's fight against Ebola , in South Sudan 's military conflict and the war-torn zones in Mali .
Chinese peacekeepers also build roads and bridges , repair vehicles and transport materials for , as well as deliver medical assistance and impart agricultural technology to local people .
Eight soldiers of Chinese peacekeeping forces in Haiti were buried and more than 10 were missing after a powerful earthquake struck Haiti Tuesday afternoon , Liu Xiangyang , deputy chief of the National Earthquake Disaster Emergency Rescue Team told China Daily Wednesday .
China has dispatched 125 peacekeepers to Haiti , including six females .
China is a major contributor to UN peacekeeping and hasalso assisted combatting piracy in the Gulf of Aden .
China sent its first group of peacekeepers to Kosovo in2004 , who returned home last year after completing their mission .