
  • 网络Chinese Sofas
  1. 中国沙发冲浪者发现,这种方式可以让外国朋友对自己的家乡有更深入的了解,同时也为那些想出国旅行的中国人开辟了新途径。

    While Chinese couch surfers are finding it ` s a good way to provide foreigners with a deeper understanding of their homeland , it also opens new windows for Chinese who travel abroad .

  2. 在中国,沙发冲浪文化正在蓬勃发展,越来越多年轻人热衷于穷游和冒险。

    In China , the culture of couchsurfing is growing as more young people seek adventure on a shoestring2 .

  3. 原来这是首次现身中国的越南手工沙发。

    This is the first appearance of the original Chinese Vietnamese artisanal sofa .