
zhōnɡ huá shì jì tán
  • China Millennium Monument
  1. 中华世纪坛旋转圆坛旋转平稳性测试

    Smooth Rotation Survey for Revolving Round Altar of China Millennium Monument

  2. 中华世纪坛旋转噪音测试方法的研究

    A Solution Research for China Millennium Monument Rotation Noise Testing

  3. 介绍了预应力技术在中华世纪坛施工中的应用。A区楼板采用无粘结预应力,B区及过街桥大梁采用有粘结预应力;

    Prestressing technology was applied to the construction of the China Century Monument , unbonded prestressing for the floors of Zone A and bonded prestressing for both the beams of Zone B and the overpass .

  4. 中华世纪坛旋转圆坛静载荷测试方法的探讨

    Discuss of Constant Load Test of Revolving Round Platform of China Millennium Monument

  5. 中华世纪坛工程旋转钢结构及驱动装置施工技术

    Revolving steel structure and drive device construction technology for Zhonghua century altar project

  6. 中华世纪坛预应力施工

    Construction of Prestressed Concrete for China Century Monument

  7. 弧形制动器,弧形制动闸中华世纪坛地下室弧形外墙模板设计与施工

    The Design and Construction on the Formwork of the Arc External Wall of the Chinese Century Altar Basement

  8. 《中国当代艺术文献展》获文献奖(中华世纪坛美术馆);

    Anatomical Signs – Internationally Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Art , Baoqu Tang Modern Art Gallery , Hong Kong , China ;

  9. 中华世纪坛中央旋转圆坛为全钢封闭式空间刚架的动态特种结构。

    The central rotational circular altar of Zhonghua Century Altar is a special dynamic structure of full steel and closed space frame .

  10. 新现实主义的全面登陆&关于中华世纪坛新现实主义艺术展明清文人花鸟画审美意识中的现实主义

    Landing in China on the " Nouveau realist WorksExhibition " Held in China Millennium Monument Realist Aesthetic Consciousness in the Flowers-and-Birds Paintings of Scholars in Ming and Qing Dynasties

  11. 弧形管道在新东安市场生活、消防泵房中的应用中华世纪坛地下室弧形外墙模板设计与施工

    Application of Arc Pipe in the Pumping Houses of Drinking and Fire Water Systems in New The Design and Construction on the Formwork of the Arc External Wall of the Chinese Century Altar Basement

  12. 第四届北京设计周从9月26日至10月3日举办,它将和北京这座城市一样宏大而多样化。设计周包括几百场活动,从中华世纪坛严谨的行业论坛到城市巴士上的实验声音艺术。

    Running from Sept. 26 - Oct. 3 , the fourth edition of BJDW will be as massive and diverse as Beijing itself , featuring hundreds of events ranging from straight-laced industry forums at China Millennium Monument to experimental sound art on city buses .