
  • 网络Individual Matching
  1. 现存的金属植入物缺乏个体匹配性。

    Traditional metal implants are lack of individual matching .

  2. 基于快速原型的个体匹配骨骼造型方法

    Modeling and Molding Methods of Individual Ized Bones Based on Rapid Prototyping

  3. 针对传统方法制造人工关节骨存在个体匹配性方面的问题,研究实现了利用快速成形制造和反求工程技术制造个体化人工关节的新方法。

    A new fabrication method is realized to produce artificial human joint based on rapid prototyping and reverse engineering .

  4. 本文旨在探讨一种以计算机辅助设计和快速成型技术(RP技术)为基础,结合精密铸钛工艺,预成钛网支架,进行上颌骨缺损个体化匹配与修复的新方法。

    The purpose of this study was to discuss a new method for individual match and reconstruction of maxillary defect , which based on computer aided design and rapid prototyping , combined with exact foundry titanium technics , prepared titanium mesh .

  5. 上市公司独立董事的声誉机制研究团队模式下人力资源选拔理论与方法的改进基于个体团队匹配视角的分析

    Creditability Mechanism of Independent Director in China 's Listed Companies : the Summary and a Selection Model A New Personnel Selection Model for Staffing Work Teams : Perspectives from Person-team Fit

  6. 目的:实现人体下颌骨的个体化形状匹配与修复,使患者保持面部及口腔美观、恢复口腔咀嚼功能。

    Objective : To enable an artificial mandible substitute to be with individualized shape in the individual patient .

  7. 在网络教学环境中产生有效的网络学习不仅依赖于学习材料的内容,更重要的是依赖于学习环境和过程与学习者个体特征的匹配程度。

    Efficient learning in web-based instruction environment depends not only on the content of the learning material , but also on the suitability between the learning environment and the learner characteristics .

  8. 论文首先对压力源、压力影响效果、压力应对和管理等三方面对相关文献进行了综述,并采用其中的个体.环境匹配理论作为本文的分析框架。

    The study first reviewed the related literatures in sources of stress , impacts of stress , and coping and management of stress , and adopted the individual-environment fit theory as the analysis frame of this study .

  9. 文章从人格结构的探讨,遗传和环境的作用,理解人格与认知、健康的关系,以及个体与环境的匹配等方面讨论和分析了动物个体差异的研究对人格心理学的可能贡献。

    The contribution and value of studies on animal individual differences to personality psychology were discussed mainly in aspects of personality constructs , influence of genetics and environment , association of personality with cognition and health , as well as personality-environment match .

  10. 方法:运用以曲面反求和快速原型为核心的个体化设计和个体化制造技术完成人体下颌骨的个体匹配。

    Methods : Rapid prototyping and surface imitating were used as the primary technology in the individualized design and manufacturing of the artificial mandible substitute .

  11. 未来的研究可以针对某一特定的行业或职业,进一步探讨其他一些情境因素与个体因素对工作倦怠的关联影响,使Maslach和Leiter的个体与情境匹配模型更为精细、完备。

    Future research could aim at specific industry or professional to investigate associated influence of other situational and individual factors to the job burnout to make the job-person fit modle more precise and complete .