
  1. 严复的翻译理论在中医术语翻译中的应用

    Application of Yanfu 's translation theory in translation of TCM terms

  2. 奈达与严复的翻译原则比较。

    Comparison between the translation principles of Eugene A.Nida and Yan fu .

  3. 翻译规范与严复的翻译

    On the Norms of Translation and Yan Fu 's Translation

  4. 同时,很多人都拿严复的翻译标准来检验其译作,《天演论》则因为其对原文的不忠而长期成为众矢之的。

    Meanwhile , the criterion has often been taken to examine his own translations .

  5. 作者回顾了近代翻译理论,追溯了严复的翻译思想。

    The author reviews the modern translation theory and appraises the three characters : faithfulness , expressiveness .

  6. 进化论经由严复的翻译,作为一种新的世界观,开始被时人所接受。

    Evolution through strict reply of translation is a kind of new global view , the beginning is accepted by the contemporaries .

  7. 新史料求证严复的翻译思想&从发展的角度看信、达、雅的包容性和解释力

    Yan Fu 's Real Intention in Light of New Historical Materials : The Capacity and Interpretation of xin , da , ya in Perspective of Development

  8. 严复的翻译三原则,也就是信、达、雅在翻译界广为讨论,大体来说已经被中国译者接受成为翻译的准则。

    The Three-character Principle , namely faithfulness , expressiveness and elegance , proposed by Yan Fu , is widely discussed in the field of translation studies and has generally been accepted as the criterion of translation by the Chinese scholars .

  9. 作为一个大翻译家,严复有自己独特的翻译理念和翻译策略。

    As a great translator , Yanfu had his own translation theory and tactics .