
sī jiāo dàn bái
  • sericin
  1. 类牙釉状丝胶蛋白/羟基磷灰石复合材料的合成及表征

    Synthesis and Characterization of Silk Sericin / Hydroxyapatite Composite with Enamel-like Microstructure

  2. 丝胶蛋白是茧丝绸工业的副产品,经过降解处理后可制成丝胶蛋白多肽。

    Sericin is by-product of silk in industry and be processed into sericin polypeptide by degradation treatment .

  3. 利用阳离子交联剂DE,将丝胶蛋白固着在大豆蛋白纤维上,确定了DE和丝胶交联改性大豆蛋白纤维的较优工艺。

    Cationic crosslinker DE was used to cure sericin on soybean protein fibers , and an improved process for this combined modification was detd .

  4. PEG-DE引起了膜内的丝胶蛋白结晶形态的变化。

    PEG-DE caused the condensed structure of sericin films to change .

  5. 以HFIP为溶剂将冻干的丝胶蛋白溶解,最终制成5%(w/v)的溶液。

    Dissolving the freeze-dried sericin protein with HFIP as the solvent and eventually making into 5 % ( w / v ) solution .

  6. 丝胶蛋白液的护肤功能及应用研究

    Studies on Skin Care Function and Application of Sericin Protein Fluid

  7. 结果表明,聚乙二醇缩水甘油醚对丝胶蛋白具有明显的交联作用。

    The result showed that polyethylene glycol diglycidyl ether cross linked sericin obviously .

  8. 蚕丝丝胶蛋白的结构、性能及利用

    Structure , Property and Utilization of Silk Sericin

  9. 各个浓度的三种丝胶蛋白对细胞形态亦无明显影响。

    Various concentrations of three sericin protein have no obvious effect on cell morphology .

  10. 天然蚕丝蛋白质主要包含丝胶蛋白和丝素蛋白两种组成,丝胶蛋白在蚕丝加工过程中大量废弃,是十分宝贵的天然蛋白质资源。

    Silk is a natural protein that is mainly made of sericin and fibroin proteins .

  11. 丝厂废水中的丝胶蛋白在超滤过程中的膜污染和膜清洗

    A study on fouling and cleaning of membrane during ultrafiltration waste water of silk factory

  12. 丝胶蛋白浓缩液的喷雾干燥

    Spray Drying Condensed Sericin Liquid

  13. 丝胶蛋白膜的制备

    Preparation of Sericin Membranes

  14. 丝绸厂排放的废水中含有大量的丝胶蛋白。

    A large quantity of sericin exits in the wastewater drained by the producers of silk yarn and silk fabrics .

  15. 分别以丝胶蛋白和蚕丝蛋白为试样进行了球状蛋白和纤维状蛋白在气/水界面上的吸附性能的比较分析;

    Moreover , the difference of absorption properties for two fibrous proteins , spider protein and silk protein , was analyzed and discussed , respectively .

  16. 主要介绍了丝胶蛋白优异的护肤功能,以及国内外丝胶蛋白在纤维与纺织品中的应用现状。

    The paper mainly introduced the super skin-care functions of the sericin and its application status in the fields of fiber and textiles in the world .

  17. 随着丝胶蛋白接枝率的增加,织物的吸湿性增加,接触角递减,毛细上升高度显著提高;抗静电性得到改善;折皱弹性和柔软性下降,需要进行柔软处理。

    As the increase of SP grafting rate , the hygroscopicity and capillary effect increased , the contact angle , decreased and the antistatic property was improved .

  18. 应用丝胶蛋白化学理论,分析探讨劣质茧解舒不良原因及其变性机理,认为茧、丝结构的多种不均一性和差异,都能造成蚕茧的解舒不良。

    The cause of poor reelability of inferior cocoons , as analysed by fibroinchemical theory , lies in the structural non-homogeneity and difference of bothcocoon and silk .

  19. 为了充分利用丝胶蛋白的功能特性,本文主要以丝胶蛋白为原料,通过互穿网络的方法制备环境敏感性-智能型水凝胶。

    In order to make use of the unique properties of sericin , materials made mainly from sericin were synthesized by interpenetrating polymer networks to form environmental sensitive hydrogels .

  20. 中部丝腺中丝胶蛋白的大量合成,是在五龄5日以后,以熟前一日合成活性最高。

    A large amount of sericin protein was synthesized after the 5th day of the last instar and its synthetic activity was the highest on the last day of the 5th instar .

  21. 利用丝胶蛋白护肤功能,研制成抗菌抑菌、对人体皮肤起保护作用的天然丝胶护肤乳。

    Using skin care function of sericin protein , the success " Natural Sericin Skin Care Serum " was developed , which had the function of bacteria resistant , bacteriostasis , and skin care .

  22. 应用透析法提取丝胶蛋白,在所用透析膜为8000~20000D的情况下,柞蚕丝胶蛋白的回收率为20.0%,而家蚕丝胶蛋白的回收率可达81.5%。

    About the dialyze-method , under the circumstances of 8 000 ~ 20 000 D for the dialyzable membrane , the receive ratio of tussah was 20.0 % , and the receive ratio of silkworm can reach 81.5 % .

  23. 对5龄家蚕不同发育时期的中部丝腺细胞蛋白质变化进行分析研究,有利于发现与丝胶蛋白分泌有关的功能蛋白质。

    Investigation on the protein varieties in the middle silkgland cells of silkworm , Bombyx ( mori ), during 5 ~ ( th ) instar stage could find out the functional proteins concerning with the secretion of the sericin protein .

  24. 胶原蛋白的丝状结构与生物体内机能红外光谱法研究不同丝胶含量老化蚕丝蛋白

    The Internal Function of Collagen Filiform in Living Things ; Research on the aging of silk with different sericin by FTIR

  25. 家蚕丝蛋白由丝素和丝胶组成,丝蛋白的表达受到严格的时间和空间限制,具有在五龄中后期,在中部丝腺高量合成丝胶蛋白,在后部丝腺合成丝素蛋白的特点。

    The expression of silk protein gene is strictly subject to time and space constraints , which sericin protein is largely synthesized in middle silk gland and fibroin protein is highly expressed during the middle and late fifth instar .

  26. 结果表明,FeSO4和Ca(OH)2法提取的丝胶率最高,经盐溶液处理获得的丝胶蛋白粉末在室温下易溶于水。还探讨了丝胶在不同领域中的应用效果及其开发前景。

    The result shows that the method of FeSO_4 and Ca ( OH ) _2 is more effective than that of other methods , the recovery rate is high , and the extracted sericin is easy to dissolve in water after salt solution treatment .

  27. 蚕丝蛋白经高压高温水脱胶后所得的丝胶溶液,经过纯化、浓缩以及喷雾干燥,制成丝胶蛋白粉末。

    Silk sericin protein powder can be produced from the sericin solution by the processing of degumming in the high temperature and high pressure conditions , purifying , condensing and spray drying .

  28. 在丝胶水溶液中添加占丝胶质量30%~40%的PEG-DE,采用流延法制得的丝胶蛋白膜具备很好的柔软性和很高的断裂伸长率。

    Sericin films with 30 to 40 percent of PEG-DE against sericin prepared by casting , showed good flexibility and high elongation at break .

  29. 课题针对蚕丝被这一缺陷,从影响蚕丝被保暖性的因素出发,利用丝胶的化学特性,研究不同含胶率茧丝的最优固胶工艺,探讨丝胶蛋白在蚕丝被中的利用。

    We discuss the factors influence the warmth retention property as the foundation of the research . This paper researches the optimal sericin fixing process of cocoon silk with different sericin rate , and explores the application of sericin in the silk quilt .

  30. 为提高蚕丝被柔软性、减少丝胶变性,传统蚕丝被生产工艺采用精练工艺去除大部分丝胶,浪费了蚕丝原料中性能优良的丝胶蛋白,造成环境污染。

    In the traditional produce process of silk quilt , in order to improve the softness and reduce sericin denaturation , we through scouring process to remove sericin , which not only waste silk materials of excellent performance of sericin protein , but also cause the environmental pollution .