- music;traditional stringed and woodwind instrument

(1) [traditional stringed and woodwind instrument]∶弦乐器和管乐器(箫笛等)
(2) [music]∶泛指音乐
无丝竹之乱耳,无案牍之劳形。--唐. 刘禹锡《陋室铭》
Origin and Performance Feature of Stringed and Woodwind Music
On the Artistic Characteristics of the Traditional Music in the Southern Part of Jiangnan
I very much enjoyed the SIZHUKONG project , wonderful music , perfectly played !
All the musicians must be busy , none of them wish to teach at this school .
At the international cultural exhiBition , Chinese stone carvings and musical instruments have aroused the visitors ' strong interest .
It is the music with Chinese characteristic . Preliminary test on the preferred reverberation time for the Chinese instrumental music motifs
Erhu can be presided instruments of Stringed and woodwind music of Jiangnan , is related to its personification sound tone color .
Over the past year , many people have regarded the music and Poetry Center as a ray of light shining in the darkness .
Being the dominant instruments separately in the two types of silk-and-bamboo music , they represent the unique styles of local music through their special performing techniques .
The traditional music performed on dulcimer can be divided into the following four schools : Guangdong Music , Jiangnan Sizhu , Sichuan Dulcimer and Dongbei Dulcimer .
Indulge scenery , remember the past here , the joy of orchestral string and wind music of-sheng , only way you can not help but smile .
Stringed and woodwind music of Jiangnan as a popular unique local folk music in ring Taihu River region , Its artistic appeal depends on its main musical instrument Erhu .
Is a late autumn , late autumn is also a singing , piano are quiet , the only music instrument-with the wind playing musical instruments , is still far away but in the ears of the place , gently playing .
From the Silk and Bamboo Music of Jiangnan to import the topic of existentialism , This essay annotationed the basic viewpoint of existentialism , then discussed the problems of identity , music and emotion , the connotation of music works etc.