
  • 网络northeast old industrial base;old northeast industrial base
  1. 振兴东北老工业基地,社会信用体系建设是一项十分重要的工作。

    It is important to construct credit system to rejuvenate the old northeast industrial base .

  2. 完善信用机制为振兴东北老工业基地创造条件

    Perfecting Credit System to Create Conditions for the Rejuvenation of the Old Northeast Industrial Base

  3. 根据NERI指数体系测算,东北老工业基地落后的根本原因在于市场机制落后、市场化水平不高。

    Surveys according to the NERI index system , the basic reason of northeast old industrial base backwardness lies in the market mechanism backwardness , the marketability level is not high .

  4. 振兴东北老工业基地的二、三、四

    Three imperatives in reviving Old Industrial Base of the Northeast China

  5. 论知识要素在东北老工业基地长远发展中的作用

    Effect of Knowledge Factor in Development of Northeastern old Industrial Base

  6. 东北老工业基地循环经济立法问题初探

    Legislative Issue on Recycle Economy of the Northeast Old Industrial Base

  7. 把握政策取向加快东北老工业基地的振兴步伐

    Grasp the Direction of Policies to Rejuvenate the Northeast Industrial Base

  8. 论东北老工业基地的文化创新

    About the Cultural Creation of the Old Industrial Base of Northeast

  9. 产业集聚与东北老工业基地振兴的探讨

    The view on accumulate industry and reinvigorate North-east old industry base

  10. 东北老工业基地信息化水平分析

    Analyses of the Informationize Level of the North-east old Industrial Base

  11. 东北老工业基地国有存量资本问题研究

    The study of state-run stock capital for Northeast old industrial base

  12. 东北老工业基地振兴中政府审计研究

    Research on the Government Audit in Rejuvenating the Northeast Old Industrial Base

  13. 进一步拓展东北老工业基地的发展空间;

    Broaden the development room further for the Northeast traditional industrial base ;

  14. 基于循环经济的东北老工业基地改造对策

    Countermeasures of Developing the North-east Old Industrial Base Based on Circular Economy

  15. 东北老工业基地产业竞争力提升问题研究

    Study of the Industrial Competitiveness Elevation in the Northeast Old Industrial Base

  16. 民营经济的发展与东北老工业基地振兴

    Development of private business and the vitalization of Northeast old industrial base

  17. 研究确定东北老工业基地主导产业。

    It discusses how to establish the leading industry in the base .

  18. 东北老工业基地振兴要着力培育东北老工业基地可持续发展的能力。

    The northeast old industrial base promotion must cultivate sustainable development ability .

  19. 东北老工业基地的荒漠化防治问题

    Combating Desertification Problems in Prospering the Former Industry Bases of Northeast China

  20. 东北老工业基地核心城市物流体系规划研究&以哈尔滨市为例

    Core City Logistic System Planning of Northeast Old Industrial Base

  21. 浅析东北老工业基地新经济增长点的培育

    The Cultivation of the Northeast Old Industrial Bases ' New Economy-growing Point

  22. 振兴东北老工业基地带来巨大商机;

    Rejuvenate northeast old industrial base brings strong opportunity ;

  23. 循环经济是振兴东北老工业基地的必然选择

    Circular Economy is a Necessary Choice of Rebounding the Northeast Old Industry Base

  24. 对森工企业如何抢抓振兴东北老工业基地机遇的思考

    Consideration About How Forestry Industry Corporation Grasping Chance Of Developing Old Industrial Base

  25. 观念的转变是振兴东北老工业基地的关键

    The Develop ment of Northeastern Old Industrial Base Through the Change of Conceptions

  26. 东北老工业基地体制机制变迁中的路径依赖与锁定效应分析

    Path-depending and Lock-in Effect of Institutional Innovation in the Northeast old Industrial Base

  27. 供应链构建是振兴东北老工业基地的重要环节

    Provision Chain 's Construction-Key Knot in the Revival of Northeast Old Industrial Base

  28. 东北老工业基地现状综合评价

    Comprehensive Assessment on Current Situations of the Old Industrial Base in Northeast China

  29. 振兴东北老工业基地的战略部署,给东北带来了难得的历史性发展机遇。

    Northeastern old industrial base reconstruction brings historical development chance for Northeastern region .

  30. 集群式创新:振兴东北老工业基地的新思路

    Clustering Innovation : The New Idea Of Reviving The Northeast Old Industrial Base