
  • 网络Testosterone propionate
  1. 维生素B(12)及丙酸睾丸素对大鼠肝脏和肝再生的影响

    The effect of vitamin b_ ( 12 ) and testosterone propionate on the normal liver and the regenerating liver of albino rat

  2. 给雄性ATx大鼠皮下注射丙酸睾丸素可使其肝微粒体MFO活力恢复。

    After subcutaneous injection of testosterone propionate , hepatic P-450 content and demethylase activity restored in male ATx rats .

  3. 这说明丙酸睾丸素对裸鼠体内PC-3m前列腺癌的生长具有双相效应,即低剂量TP促进肿瘤的生长,高剂量TP抑制肿瘤生长。

    E. the lower dose of TP stimulated the growth of tumor , and the higher dose of TP inhibited its growth .

  4. 方法将雄性(SD)大白鼠去势7天后,皮下注射溶解于橄榄油的丙酸睾丸素05mg/01ml/rat;

    Methods : Seven days after the male Sprague-Dawley rats were castrated , testoterone propionate ( 0.5 mg / 0.1 ml / rat ) dissolved in olive oil was injected subcutaneously in the rats .

  5. 兴灵汤降低Leptin、FSH、LH的作用与丙酸睾丸素相近而优于男宝。兴灵汤对正常大鼠血糖、血脂没有显著影响。

    The content of Leptin , FSH , LH , Blood sugar and Cholesterol in model rats blood-serum increase significantly , Xing Ling prescription was no influence on Blood sugar and Blood-lipo .

  6. 去势大鼠随机分为模型组、丙酸睾丸素组、男宝组、兴灵汤组,每组10只;另取10只正常大鼠作为正常对照组。

    Each has 10 rats , another 10 rats was normal control group .

  7. 丙酸睾丸素的单扫描示波极谱测定及其电极反应机理研究

    Single Sweep Polarographic Studies on the Testosterone Propionate

  8. 目的探讨雄性激素类药物丙酸睾丸素对肿瘤恶液质患者的辅助治疗效果。

    Objective To explore the adjunctive therapy effects of androgens in treating terminal cancer cachexia .

  9. 补充5或20mg/kg丙酸睾丸素使上述比值发生不同程度的恢复。

    Supplement of testosterone propionate 5 or 20 mg / kg restored the ratioes to varying degrees .

  10. 而无名指较短的年轻心脏病患者的丙酸睾丸素水平偏低。

    Younger heart attack victims with shorter ring fingers have been found to have depleted levels of testosterone .

  11. 这是因为,与男性丙酸睾丸素和女性雌激素产生有间接关系的基因也决定着手指的生长。

    This is because the genes that are indirectly responsible for the production of testosterone and the female hormone oestrogen also control the development of the fingers .

  12. 方法用丙酸睾丸素制造小鼠多囊卵巢模型,用饥饿法制造小鼠气虚模型,用溶血法制造血虚模型。

    Methods Polycystic ovarian sterility model of mice was made by testosterone propionate . Qi-deficiency model and blood deficiency model of mice were prepared by starvation and hemolysis , respectively .

  13. 结果提示东方神丹具有丙酸睾丸素样作用,对维持附属性腺的发育和正常功能具有重要意义。

    The above results shows that DFSD has testosterone-like effect , and it may maintain the development of sexual subsidiary glands and keep these organs exerting their normal functions when gelded .