
The synthesis of midbody lactide for the preparation of PLA is also catching more attention in this field .
The crude yield of lactide reaches 88.5 % and the pure yield is 40.2 % . Purity and structure of lactide are characterized by melting point and IR spectrum .
Synthesis of Lactide and Novel Medicinal NH_2-PEG-Modified Poly lactide
Synthesis and evaluation of biodegradable ABA triblock copolymer of δ - caprolactone and DL-lactide as drug release delivery
Preparation and in Vitro Assessment of Chitosan Grafting Lactide / PLGA-COOH Copolymers as Biomaterials
The results showed that the graft copolymers had short PLLA and PGA lateral chain .
Biodegradable Polymer Scaffold Of Poly ( lactide-co-glycolide )( PLGA ): Cytocompatibility And Nasal Cartilage Tissue Engineering In Vitro
Experimental Studies on Poly ( Lactide-co-glycolide ) Copolymer Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering ; Preparation and properties of methotrexate-loaded PLA or PLGA nanoparticles
Objective To evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of sustained intravitreal amphotericin B drug delivery system ( DDS ) on experimental rabbit fungal endophthalmitis of Candida albicans .
Microspheres containing antiphthisic drug Rifampin were prepared from poly ( lactide-co-glycolide ) ( PLGA ) as carrier by emulsion and solvent evaporation method .
Cationic PLG nanoparticles and cationic liposome were used as package molecules to detect the effect of CpG ODN on the cellular and humoral immune responses of mice .
Preparation , Characterization and Drug Release Characteristics of Poly ( lactide )( PL ) / Poly ( lactide co polyethylene glycol )( PLEG ) Blend Microspheres
PEG-PLA block copolymers were synthesized using polyethylene glycol ( PEG ) and lac-tide ( LA ) in the presence of low toxic stannous octoate . The copolymer structure was determined by 13C NMR and the average block leng this were calculated .
A new rare earth La-Ti compound oxide catalyst to prepare lactide was employed .
Objective To evaluate the biocompatibility of poly ( lactide-co-glycolide )( PLGA ) foam scaffold and the feasibility of in vitro fabrication of tissue-engineered cartilage with the scaffold as an alternative approach for repairing nasal cartilage defects clinically .
It was showed that these ferric alkoxides were efficient initiators for the ring-opening polymerization of lactides with higher than 90 % of monomer conversions polymerized at 130 ℃ for 36 h.
This topic have chosen biodegradable poly ( lactic-co-glycolic acid )( PLGA ) as the hydrophobic segment of copolymer , and polyethylene glycol ( PEG ) as hydrophilic segment , which can avoid protein adsorption and approved by the FDA for clinical application .
It is suggested from these results that the polymerization proceeds via a coordination-insertion mechanism involving cleavage of the acyl-oxygen bond of the lactides .
Poly ( DL-lactide-co-glycolide )( PDL-LGA ) copolymers with different DL-lactide / glycolide ( DL-LA / GA ) mole ratios were prepared by bulk ring-opening copolymerization of DL-LA with GA using tin octoate ( Sn ( Oct ) 2 ) as catalyst .
GPC was used to study the relationship between molecule weights and the radio of raw materials in the synthesization of crosslinking agents . The result showed , molecule weights of crosslinking agents would be controlled by changing the ratio of glycerol and lactide .
Last , this thesis analyzes the influence of the vacuum , the reaction temperature , the reaction time and the quantity of catalyst ( Sn ( Oct ) _2 ) used on the molecular mass of polymers produced during the process of polymerization of the purified 1-lactide .
Results showed that the appropriate conditions for using this catalyst are : dehydrate at 120 ~ 130 ℃ for 2h under decreased pressure to form lactic acid oligomer and then decompose the oligomer from 150 ℃ to 210 ℃ to collect the product of lactide for 90 min.
Studies on grafting copolymerization of acetylating starch / dl-lactide and biodegradability
Study on Clean Process for Preparation of Lactide by Microwave Irradiation
And then , methods of product purification were discussed .
Study of Degree of Branching and Drug-Releasing Performance for ESO-Lactide Star Polymer
Characterization of Degree of Branching for Star-Shaped Polymer of ESO and Lactide
Recycling Catalyst in the Synthesis of Lactide from Lactic Acid
Starch is a kind of polymer with abundant hydroxyl function groups .
Quantitative Determination of Residual Lactic Acid and Water in Lactide