
  • 网络Century Garden
  1. 上海维华(世纪花园)幼儿园2010学年招生开始啦!

    Shanghai Victoria ( Century Garden ) Kindergarten is NOW recruiting new students for2010-2011 !

  2. 山东淄博世纪花园社区服务中心的设计

    Design of Zibo Century Garden Community Service Center

  3. 天宏公司世纪花园项目人力资源管理模式研究

    The Study Human Resource Management Mode on Century Garden Project of Tian Hong Company

  4. 通过对浦东世纪花园居住区规划的介绍,提出了对正在国内兴起的景观住宅开发的一些思考。

    This account of residential quarter - Pudong Century Garden , inspires us with some consideration about the development of landscape house , which is springing up in our country .

  5. 运用行为观察法、SD法、以及因子分析对选取的合肥市具有代表意义的四个居住小区(琥珀山庄、世纪阳光花园、西园新村、安居苑)内的居住区景观空间进行调查研究。

    In this essay , the use of behavior observation method , SD method and factor analysis have been put into the research of landscape space in four selected representative residential area in Hefei ( Amber Hills ; Century Sunshine Garden ; West Park Village and Anju Yuan ) .

  6. 在18世纪,这花园用墙围着。

    The garden was walled in during the18th century .

  7. 马克:对啊,这真是一座21世纪的商务花园啊。

    Mark : Yeah , this is really a 21st Century office park .

  8. 卡罗勒斯·克鲁西乌斯在16世纪末担任这花园的首任园长。

    Carolus Clusius was the first director for this garden in the late 1500s .

  9. 他带了一些回西班牙,到了16世纪整个欧洲的花园都种植红薯。

    He took some with him back to Spain and by the 16th century , gardens all over Europe were growing them .

  10. 卡罗勒斯·克鲁西乌斯在16世纪末担任这花园的首任园长。人们把在西欧种植郁金香的功劳归于他,当时他从朋友&奥斯曼帝国的大使那儿得到了花的球茎。

    Carolus Clusius was the first director for this garden in the late 1500s . He was credited for cultivating the tulip in Western Europe when he got bulbs from his friend who was an ambassador for the Ottoman Empire .