
  1. 并且其中亦透露出对世教风习与人心流俗之针砭,而深蕴超越名士主流的平等观点。

    It also reveals criticism of thoughts and custom in that era , which deeply contains a fair viewpoint beyond the mainstream celebrities .

  2. 5月至6月,国家博物馆将举办今年最为盛大的展览“塔法里:威严与运动”,主题是皇帝HaileSelassie一世与塔法里教(Rastafarianism)。—

    But it 's the National Museum that , in May and June , will host this year 's blockbuster exhibit , " Ras Tafari : The Majesty and the Movement , " devoted to Emperor Haile Selassie I and Rastafarianism . -

  3. 在普世运动的新教和东正教方面,在1948年的基督教委员会上采用了制度上的形式。它们有两种主要的困境。

    In the Protestant and Orthodox side of the ecumenical movement , which took institutional form in the World Council of Churches in1948 , there were two main strands .

  4. 举个例子,为何律法颁布者,耶稣,是犹太人,教人遵守犹太律法,然而在福音的末尾出现了,普世的信息,教万民成为他的信徒。

    For example , why is Jesus the law giver and still Jewish and teaches the acceptance of the Jewish law , and yet this universalistic message at the end of the Gospel of going to all nations .