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  1. 第二部分:元世祖朝转运司的职能及地位。

    The second part : the function and position of the TDY .

  2. 二世祖群体所代表的是一种不健康的亚文化,其本身体现着匮乏文化和文化的缺乏。

    This group is representative of unhealthy sub-culture and embodiment of cultural shortage .

  3. 至元世祖忽必烈实现中国的大一统之后,蒙古民族的服饰又有了新的发展与变化。

    After Hub lie united China , Mongolian costume had a new development and change .

  4. 元世祖忽必烈草原领地考

    Research on the Prairie Domain of Kublai

  5. 当时元世祖忽必烈汗正统治着中国。

    At that time , China was RULED BY THE Yuan Dynasty Emperor , Kublai Khan .

  6. 早期自“元世祖”忽必烈执政开始,至1294年结束。

    The early period began from the reign of Kublai Khan , Yuan Emperor Shizu , until 1294 .

  7. 元代财赋运转机构&转运司的变迁第二部分:元世祖朝转运司的职能及地位。

    The Operational Institutions of Finance in the Yuan Dynasty The second part : the function and position of the TDY .

  8. 从一定意义上来说,二世祖现象是中国社会转型和社会规范的必然结果。

    The phenomenon of " er-shi-zu ", in some sense , is an inevitable result of social trans-mode and social disorder in Chinese society .

  9. 1260年,忽必烈继承汗位,1271年改国号为元,即元世祖。

    In the year of 1260 , Ku-blai inherited the Han and changed the reign title into Yuan and Kublai was Yuan Shizu ( the first king of the Yuan Dynasty ) .

  10. 在海运与河运的竞争中,胶莱运河经过两次较大规模的开凿,元世祖时期和明嘉靖年间,然而两次开凿都不成功,最后被废弃。

    When river competed with sea , jiao lai Canal had been scale chiseled twice , Ming Jia jing and Yuan Shi zu , but two sinking were both not successful , and finally it was abandoned .

  11. 从世祖末年,元政府就开始关注浙西地区的水利建设,并设立专门的水利机构,制定水利条画来保障水利的兴修与管理。

    From the late-generation ancestor , Yuan government started to pay attention in western Zhejiang region , water conservancy construction and the establishment of specialized water agencies to develop water resources to protect the water resources of art management .

  12. 元世祖继续南下进攻南宋,占领长江中下游许多地方,但遭到南宋军民的英勇抵抗。

    Yuan Shizu continued to go to South and attacked the Southern Song Dynasty and occupied many places of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.There he was resisted heavily by the soldiers and people of the Southern Song Dynasty .