
bù duì chèn xìng
  • asymmetry
不对称性[bù duì chèn xìng]
  1. 色球耀斑Hα谱线轮廓不对称性研究进展

    H α Line Profile Asymmetry in Chromospheric Flare

  2. 非晶态硅基合金膜电子自旋共振(ESR)波形的不对称性

    Asymmetry of ESR Spectrum of Amorphous Silicon-Based Alloys

  3. 然而,格局的不对称性是不同的为会前和会后QFII时期

    However the pattern of asymmetries is different for the pre-and post-QFII periods .

  4. 1958~1975年期间,能源消费的强度变化和GDP的产出呈现不对称性;

    And the changes of energy intensity and GDP were different ;

  5. 脑不对称性对Balb/c小鼠海马IL-6水平的影响

    Brain lateralization influence interleukin-6 levels in the hippocampus of Balb / c mice

  6. S型、T型和G型突触后膜均比前膜明显增厚,呈不对称性。

    The postsynaptic membrane of S - , T - and G-types is apparently thicker than the presynaptic membrane and showed to be asymmetrical .

  7. 晶粒尺寸越小、Al元素含量越高、织构越分散,镁合金的拉-压不对称性越弱。

    The smaller the grain size , the higher the Al element content and the more dispersed texture , the weaker tension / compression asymmetry .

  8. 气体放电等离子体特性测量I-V曲线不对称性的研究

    Investigations on I-V curve asymmetry of the plasma in gas discharge

  9. 方法:不对称性实验采用磷脂酶A2处理完整红细胞,磷脂的测定采用高效液相色谱法。

    Methods : Treatment of intact erythrocyte with phospholipase A2 was used for the membrane phospholipid asymmetry .

  10. 目的:通过测定葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶(G6PD)缺乏红细胞膜磷脂的含量及其不对称性的变化,研究G6PD缺乏对红细胞膜结构的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of G6PD deficiency on membrane phospholipid structures .

  11. 天敌应激下小鼠血浆皮质酮、巨噬细胞产生NO、IL-1β水平与脑不对称性

    The Correlation of Brain Asymmetry to The Level of Plasma Corticosterone and NO , IL-1 β Produced by Macrophage in Balb / c Mice Under Predator Stress

  12. 而传统线性时间序列模型(如AR(p)或ARMA(p,q))无法刻画上述经济变量运行所表现出的多样性和不对称性的特征。

    However , traditional linear time series models ( such as AR ( p ) / ARMA ( p , q )) can not describe the properties of diversity and asymmetry of above economic behavior .

  13. 为了研究具有自发磁化交换偏置不对称性材料的自由能密度F的特征,采用朗道的相变理论,处理自发磁化的交换偏置不对称性。

    In order to study the character of free energy density F of some material with an asymmetry of bias exchange of spontaneous magnetization , Landau theory of phase transition is adopted to study the asymmetry .

  14. SOCS-3基因在Balb/c小鼠脑组织中的表达与脑不对称性

    The Heterogeneity of SOCS-3 in The Brain of Balb / c Mice and Brain Lateralization

  15. 探讨不对称性多囊卵巢(PCO)的临床特点及雄激素受体(AR)和胰岛素受体(IR)在其发病机制中的作用。

    To study the clinical features and the role of androgen receptor ( AR ) and insulin receptor ( IR ) in auto-para endocrine control of asymmetric polycystic ovaries ( PCO ) .

  16. 由于P-SV转换波对线的不对称性,它的叠加比纵波的CDP叠加要难得多。

    The CCP stacking for converted waves is much more complicated than the CDP stacking for P-waves due to the asymmetric ray paths .

  17. 根据市场分割理论,信息不对称性、流动性差异、股价波动性、价值偏好差异和融资成本差异等五大因素对AH股价差有重要影响。

    According to the market segmentation theory , information asymmetry , flowability difference , price volatility , difference of value preference and difference of financing cost have important effects on price difference between A-share and H-share .

  18. 考虑了市场中投资者信息的不对称性,用Lagrange乘数法给出了一类最优投资消费问题的对偶问题,并给出了该问题在完备市场下的最优解。

    Considering the asymmetry of information , it is given the duality problem of a kind of optimal investment policies with consumption problem by introducing Lagrange multiplier , and solved this problem in complete market .

  19. 磁扰日向阳面对流电场转向区位置的晨昏不对称性(STARE、TRIAD、AE-C观测综合分析)

    The Dawn-dusk Asymmetry of the Dayside Convection Reversal Location on High Geomagnetic Disturbed Days ( Combination of Stare , Triad and AE-C )

  20. 通过对足、篮球运动技术掌握过程中肢体对侧迁移的观察,采用半径误差(RadialError,RE)和命中率对迁移效果进行评定,找寻肢体对侧迁移不对称性的方向。

    By observing bilateral transfer which occurs while students learning football and basketball skills , this paper tries to use Radial Error ( RE ) and percentage of hits to evaluate the effect of bilateral transfer and to find out the asymmetrical direction of the bilateral transfer .

  21. 电流的绝对值随着耦合不对称性的增加而减小,而Fano因子却随着耦合不对称的增加而增大。

    With the increasing of the couple asymmetry , the absolute value of the current decreases , while the Fano factor increases .

  22. 在分析层序不对称性与海平面变化的关系基础,提出层序不对称系数S0,认为海平面的升降变化对浅水沉积区影响显著,其结果必然造成层序S0的增加;

    The relationship between sequence asymmetry and sea level changes has been analysed and the sequence asymmetric coefficient S 0 has been proposed .

  23. 结果和结论VBI患者存在眼动系统异常,表现为扫视时间延迟、准确度差、视动增益值降低,平稳跟踪的不对称性。

    Results and ConclusionDelay lower accuracy of saccade test , decreased gain of OKN , asymmetry of horizontal ETT were showed in the patients with VBI .

  24. 膜融合剂对脂质体及血影膜膜流动性的影响TCS还能作用于红细胞血影膜,改变其脂双层的不对称性。

    THE EFFECT OF FUSOGENS ON THE FLUIDITY OF PS LIPOSOMES AND HUMAN ERYTHROCYTE MEMBRANE Besides , TCS could change the asymmetry of phospholipid of erythrocyte membrane , as detected by flow cytometer .

  25. 由于拉伸孪晶只能单向启动,AZ31B镁合金在挤压方向的动态拉压不对称性显著。

    Because of the polarity of tension twining , the tension-compression asymmetry of AZ31B magnesium alloy is much pronounced when tested along extruding direction .

  26. 但可发现12号人工栽培多年的麦冬其核型类型为2C,相对其它居群的核型类型2B更具有不对称性,可能是属于进化的类型,这与核型进化学说相符合。

    It is discovered that Karyotype of artificial cultivated No.12 is 2C , and it is characterized by asymmetry comparing to other Karyotype 2B , which might be evolution and is coincidence with theory of Karyotype evolution .

  27. 转换波上、下行波的不对称性,使得常规的基于共中心点(CMP)道集的速度分析、正常时差校正和共中心点叠加技术不能适用于转换波。

    Because of the ray asymmetry of the downgoing and upgoing waves , the velocity analysis , NMO correction and CMP stacking based on the CMP gather cannot be adapted to that of the converted wave ( CCP ) .

  28. 结论小鼠在天敌应激下,HPA轴与血浆IL-1β、IL-6水平均受大脑的异质调控,提示精神应激下脑不对称性对免疫内分泌功能有影响。

    CONCLUSION : Under predator stress , the HPA axis and plasma proinflammatory cytokines ( IL-1 β, IL-6 ) in BALB / C mice were modulated by the brain asymmetrically , and brain lateralization may influence the function of immuno-endocrine network in psychological circumstances .

  29. 在第三章里主要利用共线因子化技术在严格的QCD高扭度因子化下计算了非极化情况下:SIDIS过程中的方位角不对称性。

    In the Chapter ⅲ, we calculated under the circumstances azimuthal asymmetry in unpolarized SIDIS process with the method of collinear expansion in strict high twist factor of QCD .

  30. 使用ARCH/GARCH模型对我国银行间债券市场三个月回购利率进行了分析,发现其波动性能够用不对称性GARCH模型得到很好的描述。

    This paper analyzed the 3 month repurchasing rate in China inter bank bond market by using the ARCH / GARCH models . We found that the volatility of the interest rate can be described well by the asymmetric GARCH model .