
Secondly , there is the claim of real right alteration .
Public Note Mode of Real Property Right Change except Register
Change of Title to Realty Based on Non-juristic Acts
On notary system in changes of real right
Part Two : The external effect of delivery in the alteration of real right .
There exists real property related to the existence of civil and administrative litigation cases cross in trial practice .
The Choice of the Pattern Protecting Transaction Safety for Alternating the Real Property Right in Rem in Our Country
The legal driving force of real property changes based on transactions , is the parties ' consensus in property transaction .
The second chapter research on the systems of the real property right alternation of the several typical countries in the world .
The Change of Title to Realty Caused by the Earthquake : From the Perspective of Application of Related China 's Property Law Provisions
The author compares patterns of the property right of real estate in different countries of Continental Law System and of Common Law System .
On the legislative patterns of transference of real estate right : Research on the rules concerned in the third draft of the real right law
According to the present legislation , public note mode of real property right change is register , but it has exception and needs in practice .
The main body falls four chapters : The first chapter : a common description of the pattern of the property right alteration of real estate .
In Roman law , the publication method of real property transfer has successively adopted the forms of Mancipatio , Cessio in jure and delivery , etc.
There are some time differences in the two steps of the immovable property real rights alteration , which provides the tenement dual sales with opportunities .
In conclusion , I propose a suggestion to improve the mode of publicity effectiveness in change of real right of immovable property and particular movable property .
Transfer of Real Property Arising from Non-Legal Transaction The Reflection on Premise of the Principle of Division of the Contract of Transfer of the Right on Property
This means that in the vast majority events of real property transfer , the person registered in the registry is presumed to be the real rights holder .
This evolution indicates that the publication method of real property transfer bears different meanings and forms in different times , meanwhile , it demonstrates its pluralistic characteristics .
Its object is special claims which have property rights ' character . Its essence is preserving future alteration of real right can advance to final registration smoothly .
From an ideal view , we should adopt registration validity doctrine of the change of real property right and regulate the object of notice registration on the basis .
It is mainly used to protect the claim of alternation of real right and plays a very important role in protecting the right of parties , the safety of transaction and market credit .
The change of title to realty based on non-juristic act does not depend on registration for its legal effect , but can become effective as soon as the legally provided factual conditions are met .
The purpose of notice registration is preserving the claim for the alteration of real property right , and assuring the claim of the obligee of notice registration can realize smoothly when it meets the conditions .
Preliminary registration means due to inadequate conditions for property right transfer , the person involved cannot reach final registration , so to secure his claim of right or schedule , a provisional registration is carried out .
The nature of notice registration is temporary registration which grants registered right of obligatory claim for the purpose of the change of real property validity of real right and guarantees to realize the right of obligatory claim .
By approaching the basic concept and nature of delivery and the relation between delivery and alteration of real right , combining our present legislation , I raise the problem to discuss : legal effect of delivery in the alteration of real right .
The needs that parties in the change of real property for the change of real rights security and the attributes of substantive law and procedural law of notice registration determine that the values which notice registration directly reveals and guarantees should be safety and efficiency .
Therefore , the change of immovable property pattern itself contains the value orientation of the strong , the different real estate property change pattern in the most basic sense is the distribution of interests orientation is different in immovable property right change rules of the .