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  • Offline;inserting coil;inserting winding
下线[xià xiàn]
  1. 他们的第一辆车于12月16日下线。

    Their first car rolls off the production line on December 16 .

  2. 福特T型车是一个世纪前在密歇根州皮奎特工厂制造的,1908年9月27日,第一辆福特T型车在装配线上下线。

    The Model T Ford was built at the Piquette Plant in Michigan a century ago , with the first rolling off the assembly line on September 27 , 1908 .

  3. 朗菲尔德小姐补充道:"有一种保持连接的推动力,如果你下线,你会错过一些东西,你能不在乎你关注的那些东西吗,所有这些大量地聚集在一起,形成了一种很大的推动力。"

    Miss Longfield added : " Then there is this push to connect — if you go offline , will you miss something , will you miss out , will you show that you don 't care about those people you are following , all of those come together in a huge way at once ."

  4. Windows下线切割CNC控制系统的研究与开发

    Design and Development of HS-WEDM CNC System Based on Windows

  5. 具有MG经典徽章的轿车现在开始从中国的装配线上下线了。

    Cars bearing the classic badge are now rolling off Chinese assembly lines .

  6. Linux环境下线程池模式的研究

    Research on Pattern of Thread Pool Based on Linux

  7. AutoCAD环境下线切割自动编程系统

    Wire cutting tools programming system based on the AutoCAD software

  8. 沉浸在《广告狂人》(MadMen)被下线的落寞中的观众们能否从16世纪的中国传说中找到慰藉呢?

    Can viewers suffering from ' Mad Men ' withdrawal seek solace in a 16th-century Chinese fable ?

  9. 英国的标志性汽车品牌MG在远东地方重获新生。具有MG经典徽章的轿车现在开始从中国的装配线上下线了。CNN记者约翰·沃斯试驾了这款MG轿车。MG汽车在中国卷土重来CNN主播:英国的标志性汽车品牌MG在远东地方重获新生。

    CNN ANCHOR : The iconic British brand MG has been reborn in the Far East .

  10. 生产厂商说,在这些生产线上,每年将会有多达20万辆MG汽车下线。

    The manufacturers say ultimately as many as two hundred thousand MGs could roll off these production lines each year .

  11. 下线url将帮助你增加你的信用,没有限制。

    Referral url will help you to increase your credits and there is no limit .

  12. 这表明FTP的自动下线已成功配置。

    Which indicates that the auto logoff for FTP is successfully configured .

  13. 利用VB6.0实现机车下线机自动控制系统

    Auto-control System of Truncating Locomotive Cable Machine by Using VB6.0

  14. 带有自动下线特性的FTP

    FTP with automatic logoff feature

  15. 而反过来,福特公司(Ford)的生产线每一辆新车下线,又是否会改变英格兰银行地下金库中那些重量不差毫分的金条的价值?

    Conversely , will every new Ford which rolls from the line change the value of those so-accurately weighed bars under Threadneedle Street ?

  16. 最后数名首批下线的机械守卫被派至普里蒙星,担任保卫PEC的工作。

    The last few Alpha sentinels are dispatched to Primon to guard the PEC .

  17. 利用自动下线特性确保TELNET的安全

    Secure TELNET with automatic logoff feature

  18. 基于tcp的服务端-客户端通信,服务端实现转发信息,存储信息,上线下线提示等功能。

    Tcp-based services to end-client communications , the server forwards the information to achieve , storage information , tips and other functions on the line off the assembly line .

  19. AIXV6.1系统上TELNET的自动下线防备是通过/etc/profile中的参数控制的。

    The auto logoff provision for TELNET on AIX V6.1 is controlled via parameters listed in / etc / profile .

  20. 引下线中的雷电流通过近场的电磁感应将雷电波(高电位)沿着附近的信号电缆、电源电缆和通信电缆引入DCS;

    Lightning current in the Down-conductor system brings lightning surge inducted by near field electromagnetic induction into DCS along the local signal cables , power cables and communication cables ;

  21. 提出并实现了一种双向挑战握手及下线验证的改进方案,并用一种改进的BAN逻辑对其进行了形式化分析。

    However , an improvement proposal called Dual-way Challenge Handshake and Logoff Authentication was proposed , and a formal analysis was done on it with an improved BAN logic .

  22. 假定输入为单频正弦光栅,对刷扫工作状态下线列CCD输出信号的频谱进行了分析。

    For a linear array CCD in a push-bloom imaging system , on condition that the input signal is a sine pattern with single frequency , the output signal spectrum is analysed .

  23. release(释放):当磁盘资源下线的时候,这个命令由拥有该磁盘的总线适配器发送。这个命令释放该SCSI设备供其他总线适配器占用。

    Release : This command is issued by the owning host bus adapter when a disk resource is taken offline ; it frees a SCSI device for another host bus adapter to reserve .

  24. 鲁棒性主要表示僵尸网络的架构的稳定性,bot上下线或者被破坏后对整个网络的影响。

    Robustness is mainly said the stability of the botnet structure , and the impact on the botnet after the destruction of bot and the bot on or off the line .

  25. 现在,在60秒的不活跃之后,我们从远程机器收到一条连接关闭消息,这表示已经为SSH成功设置了自动下线。

    Now after inactivity for60 seconds , we get a connection closed message from the remote machine , which indicates that the auto logoff is successfully set for SSH .

  26. 顺便说一句,在/etc/profile文件中为TELNET的自动下线进行的配置(前面已解释)也适合于SSH。

    Incidentally , the configurations done for auto logoff of TELNET in the / etc / profile file ( explained previously ) are also applicable for SSH .

  27. 在刚刚过去的周末,中国国家新闻出版广电总局勒令优酷土豆(YoukuTudou)、搜狐(Sohu.comInc.)等视频网站下线多部热播剧,其中就包括美剧《傲骨贤妻》(TheGoodWife)和《生活大爆炸》(TheBigBangTheory)。

    Over the weekend Chinese authorities pulled from Youku Tudou , Sohu.com Inc. and other streaming websites a number of hits , including U.S. - made shows ' The Good Wife ' and ' The Big Bang Theory . '

  28. 拉尔夫·劳伦公司将由H&M前高管、Gap的下线品牌OldNavy前总裁斯蒂芬·拉尔森(StefanLarsson)掌舵。

    Taking the helm at Ralph Lauren will be Stefan Larsson , a former H & M executive and president of Old Navy , Gap 's down-market brand , which Mr. Larsson is credited with reviving .

  29. 我们学习了为AIXV6.1系统上的FTP、TELNET和SSH会话设置自动下线的管理过程,AIXV6.1将有助于法规遵从性和得到安全的环境。

    We have learned the administrative procedures required to set automatic logoff for FTP , TELNET and SSH sessions on AIX V6.1 which will help for regulatory compliance and enable a secure environment .

  30. 这是该瑞典公司备受吹捧、耗资110亿美元打造的车辆生产平台下线的第二款大型车,而第一款则是广受好评、外形典雅的XC90运动型多功能车(SUV)。

    The car is the second big model to come off the Swedish brand 's heavily touted $ 11bn vehicle platform and follows the sleek , critically acclaimed XC90 sport utility vehicle .